On 10th Anniversary of ‘Collateral Murder’ Release: The US Soldier Who Sought to Save Iraqi Children – Consortium News

Ten years ago today WikiLeaks Collateral Murder video was published, depicting a horrific scene on a Baghdad street in 2007. Here is a talk by the one U.S. soldier who sought to save young victims of an American massacre.

Soldier Reveals What Happened onBaghdad Street; WikiLeaks WebinarOn 10th Anniversary of Videos Release

Consortium News

Ethan McCord was a U.S. soldier on patrol in Baghdad in July 2007 when he came upon a scene he says hed never encountered. Lying dead on a street were inanimate objects that turned out to be dead civilians, slain in cold blood by a U.S. Apache helicopter still filming the carnage from above.

McCord found a child still alive in a civilian van the US soldiers had gleefully struck. She had a stomach wound and glass in her eyes. The soldier carried her away to seek help, as seen in the cockpit video that U.S. Army intelligence officer Bradley Manning would soon pass to WikiLeaks.It was published on April 5, 2010, alarming the Pentagon and putting WikiLeaks on the map.

Later on Sunday, register to view a webinar with Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnnson, scholar Nozomi Hayase and Col. Ann Wright on the release of Collateral Murder. Hrafnnson traveled to Baghdad to meet the two children that McCord saved. The link to the webinar is below.

Here is a 17-minute talk given by McCord to the United National Peace Conference, in Albany, NY over the weekend of July 23-25, 2010. It was produced by the United National Peace Conference Media Project, the Sanctuary for Independent Media and the Hudson Mohawk Independent Media Center. McCord puts the events in context, explaining that U.S. military killing of Iraqi civilians was routine. He also exposes the reaction of the command to his actions to save the life of an innocent girl.

Here is how to register for Sundays webinar.

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On 10th Anniversary of 'Collateral Murder' Release: The US Soldier Who Sought to Save Iraqi Children - Consortium News

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