Chelsea Manning of Wikileaks to Transfer Prisons for Gender Disorder Treatment

WASHINGTON, May 14 (RIA Novosti) Transgender WikiLeaks contributor Chelsea Manning, imprisoned for disclosing classified US government documents, has been allowed by the Pentagon to transfer to a civilian prison to receive treatment for a gender disorder, the Associated Press reported Wednesday.

Manning's recent request for hormone therapy the first ever by a transgender inmate in history was granted in the Army's approval for a transfer, anonymous sources at the Defense Department told AP.

Manning is currently serving her 35-year sentence in a Kansas military prison.

While in prison, former US Army private Bradley Manning announced via a lawyer last summer that he was a female and changed his name. The US Army, which does not allow transgender soldiers, said it does not provide hormone replacement therapy or sex reassignment surgery for inmates.

Manning, 26, was found guilty in July 2013 of multiple counts of espionage as well as theft and computer fraud connected to leaking volumes of classified US military documents to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks, including war logs about US operations in Iraq and Afghanistan while he worked as an intelligence analyst in Iraq.

See more here:
Chelsea Manning of Wikileaks to Transfer Prisons for Gender Disorder Treatment

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