Bradley Manning Support Network

December 21, 2013. By the Private Manning Support Network. Read about ongoing projects we are working on to support Chelsea while we fight for her immediate release, and consider donating to the defense fund so that we can continue our efforts through 2014! We have raised $26,000 so far of the $40,000 needed to sustain these projects. Read more

December 13, 2013. By the Private Manning Support Network. Last week we hosted three exclusive events with Pvt. Chelsea Manning's lead civilian attorney, David Coombs. Drawing hundreds in attendance, these events provided a personal, in-depth report back of this past summer's historic trial as well as a look forward to the next phase in the fight to win justice for Manning.Read more

TIME Magazine asked WikiLeaks whistleblower PVT Chelsea Manning what she's thankful for. Her answer was published alongside Michelle Obama's, Joe Biden's, and 14 others. Many people working for the betterment of society will appreciate her answer.Read more

November 25, 2013. By the Private Manning Support Network. On December 17, Private Chelsea Manning will turn 26. It will be the fourth birthday this young Army whistle-blower has spent in prison. Write her a letter of support! Read more

November 19, 2013. By the Private Manning Support Network. David Coombs, attorney for American prisoner of conscience US Army Pvt. Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning, will speak at three upcoming West Coast events hosted by the Private Manning Support Network.Read more

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Bradley Manning Support Network

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