Bradley E. Manning – The New York Times –

Aug. 28, 2013

Editorial criticizes military's response to declaration by Chelsea Manning, formerly known as Pfc Bradley Manning, that she wants to live as a woman; urges military to give Manning appropriate medical care and safe but not unduly isolated housing, which should be available for all transgender prisoners. MORE

Pfc Bradley Manning, who was sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking vast archives of government files to WikiLeaks, says that he is female and asks to receive hormone therapy while in prison, setting up a potential conflict over a treatment the Army says it does not provide to its inmates. MORE

News organizations are divided in their handling of request that they now refer to Pfc Bradley Manning as a woman. MORE

"Pfc Bradley Manning is sentenced to 35 years in prison for providing more than 700,000 government files to WikiLeaks;" sentence is longest ever handed down in case involving leak of United States government information for purpose of having information reported to public; leak lifted veil on American and military diplomatic activities worldwide; Manning will be eligible for parole in about seven years. MORE

Editorial contends Pfc Bradley Manning's 35-year sentence is too severe, given his stated desire not to betray his country but to shed light on realities of American war effort; notes prosecutors are attempting to discourage other leakers with sentence, but holds even threat of a severe prison sentence will not deter those who believe the government is too secretive. MORE

Pfc Bradley Manning is posed to be sentenced for providing more than 700,000 secret government documents to WikiLeaks, largest leak of confidential materials in American history; faces up to 90 years in prison. MORE

Defense lawyers for Pfc Bradley Manning make plea for leniency at sentencing hearing, asking military judge Col Denise R Lind to allow him a chance to rehabilitate himself; Manning faces up to 90 years in prison for his role in disclosing government documents to WikiLeaks. MORE

Pfc Bradley Manning, who is facing up to 90 years in prison for leaking 700,000 government files to WikiLeaks, apologizes at his court-martial trial, saying he now realizes that what he did was wrong. MORE

Former supervisor of Pfc Bradley Manning testifies at his court-martial trial that Army intelligence unit in Iraq allowed Manning to keep working with classified information despite recurring concerns about his mental health because unit was understaffed and he was playing vital role in analyzing insurgent threats. MORE

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Bradley E. Manning - The New York Times -

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