Local attorney handling high-profile Manning case

Created: 04/18/2014 10:31 PM By: Danielle Todesco, KOB Eyewitness News 4

An Albuquerque defense attorney has cases all over the world, and now she's picked up a case the whole world will be watching.

Nancy Hollander is heading up the appeal for Chelsea Manning, formerly known as Bradley Manning.

Manning, a former army soldier, was convicted last year of leaking the largest set of classified documents ever.

"We're going forward," Hollander said. "We're ready for this fight. It's going to be a fight, it's an uphill battle. We have the entire government of the United States against this one little person with us between her and the government."

Chelsea Manning was sentenced to 35 years for leaking classified documents about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to the public.

Hollander says Manning did plead guilty to some of the charges against her, but she says she did not violate the Espionage Act, and that's just one thing they'll fight in an appeals court.

So how did a local lawyer pick up such a high profile case?

Hollander has made a name for herself by handling some high profile cases, including accused terrorists being held at Guantanamo Bay.

"Chelsea wrote to me after she was convicted. I received a letter one day asking if I'd be interested doing her appeal," Hollander said.

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Local attorney handling high-profile Manning case

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