Private Chelsea Manning’s Conviction, 35-year Sentence Upheld


An Army general is upholding Private Chelsea Manning's conviction and 35-year prison sentence for giving reams of classified U.S. government information to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks.

The Military District of Washington said Monday that Major General Jeffery Buchanan has taken final action in the court-martial of the former intelligence analyst from Crescent, Oklahoma.

Manning, formerly known as Bradley Manning, was convicted in July 2013 of 20 crimes, including six violations of the Espionage Act, but was acquitted of the most serious charge, aiding the enemy. As commander of the jurisdiction in which the trial was held, Buchanan could have approved or reduced the court-martial findings.

His action clears the way for an automatic appeal to the Army Court of Criminal Appeals.

Manning's appellate lawyer said the sentence was excessive compared to past cases.

7/30/2013 Related Story: Bradley Manning's Hometown Reacts To WikiLeak Case Verdict

With good behavior, the 26-year-old former soldier could be released as early as February 2020, according to her trial attorney, David Coombs.

Continued here:
Private Chelsea Manning's Conviction, 35-year Sentence Upheld

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