Bradley Manning’s verdict is in – The Pell Center for …

Bradley Manning is the young man behind the largest leak of classified government information in U.S. history.

Three years ago, U.S. Army Pfc. Manning shared three quarters of a million pages of protected war logs, communications and videos to WikiLeaks. The information maelstrom included the widely viewed Collateral Murder video, which shows classified footage from a U.S. helicopter that opened fire on civilians in Iraq, who were mistaken for insurgents at the time. Manning discovered these files through his work as an intelligence analyst in Baghdad.

WikiLeaks published almost everything in 2010, citing an anonymous source. WikiLeaks have never confirmed that Manning was that source, but his name was given to the authorities by a former hacker and journalist, Adrian Lamo, whom Manning spoke with about his plans.

Arrested on May 27, 2010, Manning has since had 22 charges filed against him by the military, including violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the Espionage Act. After pleading guilty to various lesser charges in early February 2013, Manning pleaded not guilty in the aid of U.S. enemies and faces a possible life sentence.

His trial began on June 3rd, 2013 with Army Col. Denise Lind presiding as judge, and the verdict was announced on July 30th, 2013:

What this means is that Manning still faces years, even decades in prison. His maximum possible sentence is 136 years. The sentencing portion of his trial began on July 31st, 2013 and has not yet been disclosed.

Read more about Mannings verdict.

Learn more about Mannings life.

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Bradley Manning's verdict is in - The Pell Center for ...

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