Assange conspired with Chelsea Manning in 2010 WikiLeaks …

PARIS British authorities arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Thursday in response to a U.S. extradition request, and a U.S. federal court unsealed an indictment charging him with a single count of conspiracy to disclose classified information that could be used to injure the United States.

Assange was taken into custody by British police after Ecuador rescinded his asylum at its embassy in London, ending a standoff that lasted nearly seven years.

The frail-looking WikiLeaks founder, with white hair and a long beard, was carried head first out of the embassy by at least seven men to a waiting police van, after shouting This is unlawful, Im not leaving.

Londons Metropolitan Police said in a statement that Assange was arrested on behalf of the United States authorities and would appear in custody at Westminster Magistrates Court as soon as possible. British police originally sought custody of Assange for jumping bail after Sweden requested his extradition in a separate case stemming from sexual assault allegations.

In an indictment unsealed hours later, Assange was accused of conspiring in 2010 with Chelsea Manning, a U.S. Army intelligence analyst then known as Bradley Manning, and other conspirators to publish secret military and diplomatic documents that Manning had collected.

Jennifer Robinson, Assanges lawyer, said on Twitter before the unsealing that her client was arrested not just for breach of bail conditions but also in relation to a US extradition request.

British Prime Minister Theresa May greeted the news in Parliament.

The whole House will welcome the news this morning that the Metropolitan Police have arrested Julian Assange, arrested for breach of bail after nearly seven years in the Ecuadorean embassy, May said to cheers and cries of Hear, hear! from lawmakers.

Britains Home Office said in a statement that Assange was arrested in relation to a provisional extradition request from the United States, where he is accused . . . of computer related offences.

The U.S. indictment unsealed Thursday accuses Assange of agreeing to help Manning break a password to the Defense Departments computer network in 2010. That, prosecutors alleged, would have allowed Manning to log in with another username. The indictment includes no evidence that the password-cracking effort actually succeeded.

Even before the password cracking, though, Manning had given WikiLeaks hundreds of thousands of classified records, prosecutors alleged. The material allegedly included four nearly complete databases, comprising 90,000 reports from the Afghanistan war, 400,000 reports from the Iraq war and 250,000 State Department cables.

Robinson told The Washington Post that Assange met Thursday morning with the Ecuadoran ambassador, who notified him that his asylum was being revoked. Then the Metropolitan Police were invited in to the embassy, where they arrested him, the lawyer for Assange said.

Robinson confirmed that the U.S. indictment was issued in December 2017 on a charge of conspiracy with Chelsea Manning dating to 2010. Manning was imprisoned for seven years for violations of the Espionage Act and other offenses after turning over hundreds of thousands of classified or sensitive military and diplomatic documents to WikiLeaks.

Video of the arrest showed a gray-bearded Assange being pulled by British police officers down the steps of the embassy and shoved into a waiting police van. Assange appeared to be physically resisting. His hands were secured in front of him, but he appeared to be clutching a copy of Gore Vidals History of the National Security State.

Appearing before the London court, Assange said he was not guilty of failing to surrender to court in 2012, but his lawyer said Assange would not give evidence. Minutes later the judge convicted him of skipping bail. He will be sentenced at a later date.

Ecuador, which took Assange in when he was facing a Swedish rape investigation in 2012, said it was rescinding asylum because of his discourteous and aggressive behavior and for violating the terms of his asylum.

The British government heralded the development. Julian Assange is no hero and no one is above the law, Jeremy Hunt, Britains foreign secretary, wrote on Twitter. He has hidden from the truth for years.

Hunt said it was Assange who was holding the Ecuadoran Embassy hostage in a situation that was absolutely intolerable for them.

Sweden dropped its sex crimes inquiry in May 2017 Assange had always denied the allegations.

After his arrest, the Swedish lawyer representing the alleged victim in the rape investigation said that she would push to have prosecutors reopen the probe.

My client and I have just received the news that Assange has been arrested. The fact that what we have been waiting and hoping for nearly seven years is now happening, of course, comes as a shock to my client, Elisabeth Massi Fritz said.

We will do all we can to get prosecutors to reopen the Swedish preliminary criminal investigation so that Assange can be extradited to Sweden and be prosecuted for rape, she said in a text message.

But, more than anything, he fears extradition to the United States, which has been investigating him for espionage, the publication of sensitive government documents and coordination with Russia.

Londons Metropolitan Police carried out the Thursday morning arrest and said in a statement that they were invited into the embassy by the ambassador, following the Ecuadorian governments withdrawal of asylum. In response, the Russian government accused Britain of strangling freedom by taking custody of Assange.

Ecuador has sovereignly decided to terminate the diplomatic asylum granted to Mr. Assange in 2012, Moreno said in a video statement tweeted by the countrys communications department. The asylum of Mr. Assange is unsustainable and no longer viable.

The Ecuadoran president specifically cited Assanges involvement in what he described as WikiLeaks meddling in the internal affairs of other countries, referring to the leaking of documents from the Vatican in January.

Mr. Assange violated, repeatedly, clear-cut provisions of the conventions on diplomatic asylum of Havana and Caracas, despite the fact that he was requested on several occasions to respect and abide by these rules, Moreno said Thursday. He particularly violated the norm of not intervening in the internal affairs of other states. The most recent incident occurred in January 2019 when WikiLeaks leaked Vatican documents.

Key members of that organization visited Mr. Assange before and after such illegal acts, Moreno said. This and other publications have confirmed the worlds suspicion that Mr. Assange is still linked to WikiLeaks and therefore involved in interfering in internal affairs of other states.

WikiLeaks confirmed Assanges arrested and used the occasion as a fundraising opportunity on Twitter.

This man is a son, a father, a brother, the group said in a tweet, above a headshot of Assange. He has won dozens of journalism awards. Hes been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize every year since 2010. Powerful actors, including CIA, are engaged in a sophisticated effort to dehumanise, delegitimize and imprison him.

The group had earlier threatened long-term consequences if Ecuador turned Assange over to the British. If President Moreno wants to illegally terminate a refugee publishers asylum to cover up an offshore corruption scandal, history will not be kind, WikiLeaks said in a statement.

From Moscow, fugitive American former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden described the scene of Assanges arrest as a violation of press freedom. Images of Ecuadors ambassador inviting the UKs secret police into the embassy to drag a publisher of like it or not award-winning journalism out of the building are going to end up in the history books, Snowden wrote on Twitter. Assanges critics may cheer, but this is a dark moment for press freedom.

Ben Wizner, director of the American Civil Liberties Unions Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project, said in a statement: Any prosecution by the United States of Mr. Assange for WikiLeaks publishing operations would be unprecedented and unconstitutional, and would open the door to criminal investigations of other news organizations. Moreover, prosecuting a foreign publisher for violating U.S. secrecy laws would set an especially dangerous precedent for U.S. journalists, who routinely violate foreign secrecy laws to deliver information vital to the publics interest.

Ahead of the U.S. election in 2016, WikiLeaks released tens of thousands of emails that had been stolen from the Democratic National Committee and from Hillary Clintons campaign chairman, John Podesta, in cyber-hacks that U.S. intelligence officials concluded were orchestrated by the Russian government.

When special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian military intelligence officers, he charged that they discussed the release of the stolen documents and the timing of those releases with WikiLeaks referred to as Organization 1 in the indictment to heighten their impact on the 2016 presidential election.

But Assange has been on U.S. prosecutors radar since 2010, when WikiLeaks publication of 250,000 diplomatic cables and hundreds of thousands of military documents from the Iraq War prompted denunciations by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and senior Pentagon officials.

The Army private who had passed the material to WikiLeaks, Manning, was tried, convicted and served seven years of a 35-year prison term before having her sentence commuted by President Barack Obama as he left office. She was jailed again last month for refusing to testify before a grand jury investigating Assange.

In the last administration, Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. decided against pursuing prosecution of Assange out of concern that WikiLeaks argument that it is a journalistic organization would raise thorny First Amendment issues and set an unwelcome precedent.

The Trump administration, however, revisited the question of prosecuting members of WikiLeaks, and last November a court filing error revealed that Assange had been charged under seal.

Some federal prosecutors say a case can be made that WikiLeaks is not a journalistic organization. As if to lay the groundwork for such an argument, in April 2017, then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo, now secretary of state, characterized WikiLeaks as a nonstate hostile intelligence service and a threat to U.S. national security.

Pompeo also noted then that the intelligence communitys report concluding Russia interfered in the 2016 election also found that Russias primary propaganda outlet, RT, has actively collaborated with WikiLeaks.

Assanges expulsion from Ecuadors embassy reflects a shift in the countrys politics since it first extended refuge to him.

Another hint that Assange was wearing out his welcome came in March 2018, when Ecuador cut off his Internet access, saying he had breached an agreement not to interfere in the affairs of other states. The embassy did not specify what Assange had done, but the move came after he tweeted criticism of Britains assessment that Russia was responsible for the poisoning of a Russian former double agent and his daughter in the city of Salisbury.

Ecuador imposed tighter house rules last fall. Among the demands were that Assange pay for his medical and phone bills and clean up after his cat.

Nakashima reported from Washington and Adam from London. The Washington Posts Anthony Faiola in Miami and Rachel Weiner and William Branigin in Washington contributed to this report.

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Assange conspired with Chelsea Manning in 2010 WikiLeaks ...

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