A Political Guide to Chelsea Manning: ‘Tradition’ Is Fascist, ‘Imagine a World’ Without Borders, Police, Prisons – Breitbart News

In 2013, Private Bradley Manning wassentencedto 35 years in prison after he was convicted of leaking military documents to WikiLeaks.

Manning subsequently came out as transgender and underwent sex change surgery and a name change following ahunger strike, before President Obama commuted her sentence in January 2017.

Manningis now a full-time activist, posting dozens of emoji-laden rants per day on social media, sometimes making it difficult to keep up.

Here is a guide to Mannings political statements.

1. Stop the police!

The fascists and police/military/intel state are the ones who hurt people every day we can do better, posted Manning on Twitter, Sunday. They wear body armor, carry shields, throw tear gas, throw flashbangs, and shoot people stop the police!! she continued in response to reports of leftist counter-protesters attacking police with bottles of urine in Boston.

Manning then went on to claim that we live in a police/military/intel state and that we need to dismantle it before it destroys us all.

2. Open all borders, to everyone, always.

Open all borders, to everyone, always, posted Manning earlier this month. Catches like need or at-risk are just weapons to keep everyone out.

When another user replied, we should probably keep out convicted felons though, Manning quickly responded: No, everyone, no exceptions.

3. What they call heritage and tradition we call oppression and fascism.

What they call heritage and tradition we call oppression and fascism, wrote Manning on August 15.

Manning has also expressed vocal support for mobs who illegally tear down historical statues.

4. Defend against fascism by any means necessary.

Manning often tweets about fighting against fascism, despite considering heritage and tradition to be fascist.

Manning also dismissively responded to a user on Twitter who said violence wasnt necessary to combat fascists, saying direct action was the only way to do so.

In one post, Manning used the term by any means necessary, a popular slogan used by far-left extremist group By Any Means Necessary (BAMN).

BAMN leader Yvette Felarca, who was arrested in July on charges related to a riot in Sacramento, has called for people to shut down fascists, while also branding former Breitbart Senior Editor Milo Yiannopoulos and Former White House Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon with the term.

After Fox News Tucker Carlson asked Felarca to go into detail on what shut down meant, the BAMN leader refused.

BAMN were also behind the riot at Yiannopoulos UC Berkeley event earlier this year, where far-left riotersstarted several fires,smashed windows and ATMs, looted downtown stores,attacked cars, andassaulteddozens ofMILO fans, male and female, who they falsely accused of being Nazis.

As previously reported by Breitbart News Tom Ciccotta, BAMN wasinvestigatedfor engaging in terrorist activities in 2005 by the FBI.

In 2009, the Department of Defenseclassifiedthe groups activities as low-level terrorism. In June 2016, BAMN led a violent counter-protest outside a white nationalist rally that resulted in ten people being hospitalized with stab wounds.

5. Imagine a world without prisons.

Manning is a vocal anti-prison activist, and has called prisons a form of violence.

Manning has also previously asked her followers to imagine a world without prosecutors.

Charlie Nash is a reporterforBreitbart Tech. You can follow himon Twitter@MrNashingtonand Gab@Nash, orlike his page at Facebook.


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A Political Guide to Chelsea Manning: 'Tradition' Is Fascist, 'Imagine a World' Without Borders, Police, Prisons - Breitbart News

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