Texas woman dupes Julian Assange with fake Hannity Twitter …

A woman in Texas impersonated Fox News host Sean Hannity and duped WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with a series of direct messages on Twitter, according to a report.

Technical writer Dell Gilliam secured the handle @SeanHannity__ after the Fox News hosts Twitter account @SeanHannity went down on Saturday morning, the Daily Beast reported.

Gilliam, who amassed more than 23,000 followers by pretending to be Hannity, sent a direct message to Assange that read, Id like to set up a time for us to talk. When may be good for you?

Assange responded, Back! Good to see. Most of today is good. Try other channels.

Sean Hannitys Twitter account briefly vanishes

When Gilliam kept up the conversation and asked if he was available for a call, Assange made a second mention of messaging on other channels.

He added, Have some news about Warner.

Two days later, Sen. Mark Warner the leading Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told Politico that Congress received extraordinarily important new documents at the end of 2017 that opened a lot of new questions into the investigation into Trumps campaign.

WikiLeaks, which published hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign, also sent direct messages to Donald Trump Jr. on Twitter less than two months before the 2016 presidential elections.

The messages, which continued for at least 10 months and included requests for President Trumps tax returns, were later turned over to congressional investigators.

On Monday night, Hannity tried to push back on reports of Gilliams exchange with Assange on his restored Twitter account.

The epitome of #FakeNews. Literally a fake account, a fake persona, and this is what the destroy Trump media writes about? Hannity tweeted.

Texas woman dupes Julian Assange with fake Hannity Twitter ...

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