Funny ‘Assange endorsing things’ meme pokes fun at BJP’s embarrassment over WikiLeaks’ …

This meme was begging to happen. After the Bharatiya Janata Party's embarrassment over a document that the party promoted as an endorsement by the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, categorically denied by WikiLeaks, standup comedian Utsav Chakraborty's 'Julian Assange endorsing things' meme was just too ripe to pass by.

Wikileaks' categorical denial that it had endorsed Narendra Modi as 'incorruptible' is yet another proverbial egg on the face of the online Modi fans. In November 2006 the then American consul in Mumbai, Michael S Owen, met the Gujarat Chief Minister and, later, other politicians from that state, following which the diplomat dutifully wrote up a report of his conversations with them.

In this report he quoted Rajkot Congress leader Manoharsinh Jadeja to the effect that Modi was indeed very popular in the state and that Muslims too were supporting him to some extent, because he was "viewed as someone who is completely incorruptible", as the Saurashtra politician put it.

This report was sent off to Washington and Assange's team posted it on the WikiLeaks website four years later. While Modi supporters on Twitter went to town claiming WikiLeaks had endorsed Modi, a poster also surfaced, claiming the Americans were afraid of Modi because he was not corrupt. The poster was a meme to poke fun at Twitterati's gullibility. In a hilarious twist, this was also circulated as additional propaganda by BJP members.

Meanwhile, Narendra Modi's official site quoted him as saying he was "glad to learn that America admits Modi is incorruptible". Check out these memes poking fun at the latest political gaffe that has polarized Twitter and Facebook.

Assange endorsing free and fair Lok Sabha elections.

Assange endorsing inalienable part of Indian childhood.

Assange endorsing progress.

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Funny 'Assange endorsing things' meme pokes fun at BJP's embarrassment over WikiLeaks' ...

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