Julian Assange – Times Topics – The New York Times

Oct. 6, 2013

Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, already a documentary subject, is now the focus of Bill Condon feature film The Fifth Estate; Assange burst into public consciousness in 2010 with WikiLeaks' release of Apache helicopter attack video, revealing millions of secrets and unlocking rarefied kind of fame.MORE

Op-Ed article by Australian journalist Julia Baird describes how WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's bid for a seat in the Australian Senate was undone by accusations that he acted like other politicians.MORE

Swedish police open investigation after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange urges them to find out what happened to suitcase he thinks was stolen from him by intelligence agents as he traveled from Sweden to Germany in 2010.MORE

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange formally inaugurates a new political party and declares his own unorthodox candidacy for a seat in the Australian Senate in national elections to be held later this year; says he has every confidence in his ability to run a campaign from the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, where he has been living under asylum for more than a year to avoid being extradited to Sweden.MORE

WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange, seemingly forgotten until their public support for Edward J Snowden, have in fact been under investigation by at least four United States agencies since 2010 leaks of American classified documents; wide-ranging investigations involve tens of thousands of pages of evidence and grand jury subpoenas for at least four former members of organization.MORE

WikiLeaks again seizes global spotlight by assisting Edward J Snowden in his daring flight from Hong Kong to Moscow, mounting bold defense of culture of national security disclosures; group has provided legal and logistical support to Snowden, sending British activist Sarah Harrison to accompany him on flight; founder Julian Assange has met with Ecuadorean representatives to support request for asylum.MORE

Officials from Ecuador and Great Britain are scheduled to meet to discuss case of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has been holed up for nearly a year in Ecuadorean Embassy, foiling British attempts to extradite him to Sweden to face charges of sexual misconduct.MORE

Ecuador's foreign minister accuses British government of trampling on the human rights of the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange by refusing to allow him to travel to Ecuador, which granted him political asylum in 2012.MORE

Alex Gibney's upcoming documentary We Steal Secrets, about Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, is first of several Hollywood films about the little-known people who grew larger than the most powerful of governments by using the Internet to broadcast their secrets.MORE

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Julian Assange - Times Topics - The New York Times

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