Julian Assange: ‘We Heard a Lot of Lies in This Speech by Obama’

President Obama laid out some reforms for NSA surveillance programs today, but not everyone was impressed by it. Julian Assange reacted to Obamas speech on CNN and said that the president was dragged kicking and screaming into this debate in the first place, remarking that its embarrassing for a head of state to go on for 45 minutes like that and say almost nothing.

Assange insisted that Obama would not have made that speech today were it not for the actions of Edward Snowden, yet the reforms he proposed are rather weak and simply deferrals to Congress and review boards. He went off on the secrecy of the FISA court and expressed his dismay with the lack of any meaningful protection for U.S. business.

But Assange then charged, We heard a lot of lies in this speech by Obama. As an example, he pointed to the president saying there has been no abuse by the NSA, which has already been demonstrated to be incorrect.

Watch the video below, via CNN:

[photo via screengrab]

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Continued here:

Julian Assange: ‘We Heard a Lot of Lies in This Speech by Obama’

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