Beyond Encryption | Secure Enterprise email using existing …

Secure recorded delivery and response

Mailock employs a unique process allowing you to authenticate the identity of your intended recipient before granting them access; only when they have proven their identity to you is access permitted to any of the message content.

We call this 'Identity Assured Communication'.

But being able to read your secure emails is only half of the story; with Mailock, your customers are also able to reply securely, thus ensuring that conversations containing sensitive details remain protected, secure and private.

We know that it is important to reach your audience so Mailock has been designed to allow just that. Whether your customer reads your secure email in a web browser, on a mobile device or from within their existing desktop email system, we have all the bases covered.

Using a unique light touch registration and challenge process, Mailock allows your customers to authenticate their identity and read your secure email within seconds of receiving it.

Mobile Apps for iPhone and Android and plug-ins for email programs such as Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail are all freely available for download from the App Stores and our website to create a truly easy to use and integrated user experience.

The storage location and control of confidential customer data is crucial to organisations seeking to meet regulatory requirements. With Mailock, your encrypted email data may be held in data stores owned and managed by you and our unique challenge process allows you to control when this data is released and to whom.

The Mailock system is free to all recipients and consumers of the service are encouraged to link their Mailock identity to both business and personal email addresses. Through return data, this provides a ground-breaking opportunity to assist in the maintenance of your important contact data meaning that you need never lose the ability to stay in touch with your customers again.

At Mailock, we know that regulatory compliance is of paramount importance to your business and its customers and we have designed the system so that it may be readily integrated with your incumbent systems.

Contact us for further details of how this may be achieved with your existing tools and processes.

We all have a duty to reduce our carbon footprint and Mailock offers an unprecedented opportunity to cut cost whilst improving operating efficiencies and reducing emissions.

Every secure Mailock message delivered provides you, the business user, with a targeted marketing message opportunity. Contact us for further details of how Mailock can spread the word for your business and enhance your promotional activities.

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Beyond Encryption | Secure Enterprise email using existing ...

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