U.S. falls to 46th in the World Press Freedom Index, from 32nd

In glowing profile, New York Times Magazine highlights Wendy Davis biography

By CHARLIE SPIERING | 02/12/14 08:31 AM

"Political narratives are necessarily reductive, invariably gauzy and thus often misleading," writes the New York Times Magazine's Robert Draper in a 7,000-plus word profile of Texas Democratic candidate for governor...

By CHARLIE SPIERING | 02/12/14 08:25 AM

Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning and the Justice Department's seizure of Associated Press phone records -- all reasons why the United States has fallen to 46th place in the 2014 World Press Freedom Index released Wednesday...

By CHARLES HOSKINSON | 02/11/14 06:01 PM

Data mining by the National Security Agency has left many American feeling paranoid, in light of reports that the agency shares its findings with the Justice Department if there's evidence of a crime -- or that NSA agents...

By ASHE SCHOW | 02/11/14 05:03 PM

Regulations for new coal plants would increase electricity prices by as much as 80 percent, an Obama administration official told lawmakers on Tuesday. Julio Friedmann, deputy assistant secretary for clean coal at the...

By ASHE SCHOW | 02/11/14 04:13 PM

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U.S. falls to 46th in the World Press Freedom Index, from 32nd

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