The Vent for Aug. 21 – The Intelligencer

Each day shows the president to be morally, intellectually and mentally unfit for the job. He needs to go.

The United States. Maybe long ago. Not now. We should rename our great country the Fractured States because that's what we've become.

Chris Ochadlick, Point Pleasant

In America, it is our right as citizens to believe what we want, however wrong or right it may be. There are no feelings police. Only when our actions, violent or otherwise, destroy the rights of others are we breaking the law. Trump is right; there is blame on both sides for violence, and none of it is justified. Any Republican member of Congress who does not stand with him should be removed next election.

I'm sure the "left" will not be asking to remove statues of Washington and Jefferson any time soon as, despite their flaws, they were our Founding Fathers and patriots, as opposed to treasonous traitors like Lee and his Confederate cohorts.

Frank Fiorentino, Warwick

Our branches of service set standards historically designed to create the fiercest fighting force to win any conflict that confronted the U.S. Recently, in the pursuit of "diversity," social experimentation is being implemented (see Pvt. Bradley Manning). This runs counter to the military's mission and sets a dangerous precedent.

Stephen Hanover, Plumstead

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The Vent for Aug. 21 - The Intelligencer

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