Arrest Of Bradley Manning – Bio, News, Photos – Washington …

Pentagon mulls quiet transfer of Pvt. Manning for gender treatment

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has quietly given the Pentagon approval to transfer the former Pvt. Bradley Manning now known as Pvt. Chelsea Manning to a civilian prison facility to undergo treatment for his gender issues, sources said.

Pfc. Bradley Manning the former Army intelligence analyst who decided as he was headed to prison for leaking government information to WikiLeaks that he wanted to be a she heads to court Wednesday to try for a name change to Chelsea.

A 35-year prison sentence for espionage isn't stopping former Army Pvt. Bradley Manning from becoming an honorary grand marshal of the San Francisco Pride parade.

Convicted leaker Chelsea Manning is asking an Army general to reverse her conviction and 35-year prison sentence for sending reams of classified information to WikiLeaks.

Pvt. Bradley Manning who made media waves during his federal trial by announcing he'd rather be called Chelsea has penned a Thanksgiving thank-you in Time in part to Martin Luther King Jr., citing the civil rights leader's pioneering break-through in social justice as a source of personal inspiration.

Liberals get surly when their identity fantasy is exposed

Army Pvt. Bradley Manning, who now is serving a 35-year sentence at Fort Leavenworth for leaking stacks of classified documents to WikiLeaks for publication, wants a pardon from President Obama for information he released that isn't deemed so sensitive.

Jailbirds Ophelia De'Lonta and Bradley Manning have a lot in common. Taxpayers are paying for their incarceration, and both want those same taxpayers to pick up the tab for sex-change operations. It's a sign of the times.

The attorney for Pvt. Bradley Manning, the convicted document leaker who insisted on his way to Fort Leavenworth that he wants to be a woman called Chelsea, said his client is doing well in prison and has already made several friends who have accepted her for who she is.

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Arrest Of Bradley Manning - Bio, News, Photos - Washington ...

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