Tucker Carlson would like to tell you about the time his package got lost in the mail. – Slate

")), n = I(p[r.size_id].split("x").map(function (e) { return Number(e); }), 2), i.width = n[0], i.height = n[1]), i.rubiconTargeting = (Array.isArray(r.targeting) ? r.targeting : []).reduce(function (e, r) { return e[r.key] = r.values[0], e; }, { rpfl_elemid: s.adUnitCode }), e.push(i)) : _.logError("Rubicon: bidRequest undefined at index position:".concat(t), d, c), e; }, []).sort(function (e, r) { return (r.cpm || 0) - (e.cpm || 0); }); }, getUserSyncs: function getUserSyncs(e, r, t, i) { if (!z && e.iframeEnabled) { var n = ""; return t && "string" == typeof t.consentString && ("boolean" == typeof t.gdprApplies ? n += "?gdpr=".concat(Number(t.gdprApplies), "&gdpr_consent=").concat(t.consentString) : n += "?gdpr_consent=".concat(t.consentString)), i && (n += "".concat(n ? "&" : "?", "us_privacy=").concat(encodeURIComponent(i))), z = !0, { type: "iframe", url: s + n }; } }, transformBidParams: function transformBidParams(e) { return _.convertTypes({ accountId: "number", siteId: "number", zoneId: "number" }, e); } }; function E(e, r) { var t, i = 0 e.length) && (t = e.length); for (var r = 0, n = new Array(t); r '; var r, n; }; }; var m = function m(e) { var r = 0 = e && r.innerWidth ' + m.vast_url + "" : m.vast_string && (u = m.vast_string), o.pre_market_bids.push({ id: m.deal_id, seatbid: [{ bid: [{ impid: Date.now(), dealid: m.deal_id, price: m.price, adm: u }] }], cur: m.currency, ext: { event_log: [{}] } }); } } var c = I.getBidIdParameter("mimes", e.params) || ["application/javascript", "video/mp4", "video/webm"], g = { id: e.bidId, secure: n, video: { w: d, h: i, ext: o, mimes: c } }; "" != I.getBidIdParameter("price_floor", e.params) && (g.bidfloor = I.getBidIdParameter("price_floor", e.params)), "" != I.getBidIdParameter("start_delay", e.params) && (g.video.startdelay = 0 + Boolean(I.getBidIdParameter("start_delay", e.params))), "" != I.getBidIdParameter("min_duration", e.params) && (g.video.minduration = I.getBidIdParameter("min_duration", e.params)), "" != I.getBidIdParameter("max_duration", e.params) && (g.video.maxduration = I.getBidIdParameter("max_duration", e.params)), "" != I.getBidIdParameter("placement_type", e.params) && (g.video.ext.placement = I.getBidIdParameter("placement_type", e.params)), "" != I.getBidIdParameter("position", e.params) && (g.video.ext.pos = I.getBidIdParameter("position", e.params)), e.crumbs && e.crumbs.pubcid && (r = e.crumbs.pubcid); var _ = navigator.language ? "language" : "userLanguage", l = { h: screen.height, w: screen.width, dnt: I.getDNT() ? 1 : 0, language: navigator[_].split("-")[0], make: navigator.vendor ? navigator.vendor : "", ua: navigator.userAgent }, v = { id: t, imp: g, site: { id: "", page: y, content: "content" }, device: l, ext: { wrap_response: 1 } }; I.getBidIdParameter("number_of_ads", e.params) && (v.ext.number_of_ads = I.getBidIdParameter("number_of_ads", e.params)); var f = {}; return 1 == I.getBidIdParameter("spotx_all_google_consent", e.params) && (f.consented_providers_settings = P), h && h.gdprConsent && (f.consent = h.gdprConsent.consentString, void 0 !== h.gdprConsent.gdprApplies && I.deepSetValue(v, "regs.ext.gdpr", h.gdprConsent.gdprApplies ? 1 : 0)), h && h.uspConsent && I.deepSetValue(v, "regs.ext.us_privacy", h.uspConsent), e && e.userId && e.userId.id5id && (f.eids = f.eids || [], f.eids.push({ source: "id5-sync.com", uids: [{ id: e.userId.id5id }] })), r && (f.fpc = r), e && e.schain && (v.source = { ext: { schain: e.schain } }), e && e.userId && e.userId.tdid && (f.eids = f.eids || [], f.eids.push({ source: "adserver.org", uids: [{ id: e.userId.tdid, ext: { rtiPartner: "TDID" } }] })), I.isEmpty(f) || (v.user = { ext: f }), { method: "POST", url: "https://search.spotxchange.com/openrtb/2.3/dados/" + t, data: v, bidRequest: h }; }); }, interpretResponse: function interpretResponse(e, s) { var p = [], m = e.body; return m && I.isArray(m.seatbid) && I._each(m.seatbid, function (e) { I._each(e.bid, function (t) { var e = {}; for (var r in s.bidRequest.bids) { t.impid == s.bidRequest.bids[r].bidId && (e = s.bidRequest.bids[r]); } I._each(e.params.pre_market_bids, function (e) { e.deal_id == t.id && (t.price = e.price, m.cur = e.currency); }); var a = { requestId: e.bidId, currency: m.cur || "USD", cpm: t.price, creativeId: t.crid || "", ttl: 360, netRevenue: !0, channel_id: m.id, cache_key: t.ext.cache_key, vastUrl: "https://search.spotxchange.com/ad/vast.html?key=" + t.ext.cache_key, videoCacheKey: t.ext.cache_key, mediaType: c.d, width: t.w, height: t.h }; a.meta = a.meta || {}, t && t.adomain && 0 e.length) && (r = e.length); for (var t = 0, n = new Array(r); t b ? a : b; } /** * Fast loop through watched elements */ function onScroll() { list.forEach(updateVisibility); } /** * updates seen property * @param {Visble} item * @param {{}} evt * @fires Visible#shown * @fires Visible#hidden */ function updateSeen(item, evt) { var px = evt.visiblePx, percent = evt.visiblePercent; // if some pixels are visible and we're greater/equal to threshold if (px && percent >= item.shownThreshold && !item.seen) { item.seen = true; setTimeout(function () { item.trigger("shown", new VisibleEvent("shown", evt)); }, 15); // if no pixels or percent is less than threshold } else if ((!px || percent = 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom 1) { result += getLinearSpacialHash(remainder, Math.floor(stepSize / base), optimalK - 1, base); } return result; } /** * @param {ClientRect} rect * @param {number} innerHeight * @returns {number} */ function getVerticallyVisiblePixels(rect, innerHeight) { return min(innerHeight, max(rect.bottom, 0)) - min(max(rect.top, 0), innerHeight); } /** * Get offset of element relative to entire page * * @param {Element} el * @returns {{left: number, top: number}} * @see http://jsperf.com/offset-vs-getboundingclientrect/7 */ function getPageOffset(el) { var offsetLeft = el.offsetLeft, offsetTop = el.offsetTop; while (el = el.offsetParent) { offsetLeft += el.offsetLeft; offsetTop += el.offsetTop; } return { left: offsetLeft, top: offsetTop }; } /** * Create a new Visible class to observe when elements enter and leave the viewport * * Call destroy function to stop listening (this is until we have better support for watching for Node Removal) * @param {Element} el * @param {{shownThreshold: number, hiddenThreshold: number}} [options] * @class * @example this.visible = new $visibility.Visible(el); */ Visible = function Visible(el, options) { options = options || {}; this.el = el; this.seen = false; this.preload = false; this.preloadThreshhold = options && options.preloadThreshhold || 0; this.shownThreshold = options && options.shownThreshold || 0; this.hiddenThreshold = options && min(options.shownThreshold, options.hiddenThreshold) || 0; list.push(this); updateVisibility(this); // set immediately to visible or not }; Visible.prototype = { /** * Stop triggering. */ destroy: function destroy() { // remove from list list.splice(list.indexOf(this), 1); } /** * @name Visible#on * @function * @param {'shown'|'hidden'} e EventName * @param {function} cb Callback */ /** * @name Visible#trigger * @function * @param {'shown'|'hidden'} e * @param {{}} */ }; Eventify.enable(Visible.prototype); VisibleEvent = function VisibleEvent(type, options) { var _this = this; this.type = type; Object.keys(options).forEach(function (key) { _this[key] = options[key]; }); }; // listen for scroll events (throttled) $document.addEventListener("scroll", _throttle(onScroll, 200)); // public this.getPageOffset = getPageOffset; this.getLinearSpacialHash = getLinearSpacialHash; this.getVerticallyVisiblePixels = getVerticallyVisiblePixels; this.getViewportHeight = getViewportHeight; this.getViewportWidth = getViewportWidth; this.isElementNotHidden = isElementNotHidden; this.isElementInViewport = isElementInViewport; this.Visible = Visible;}]);}, {}];require=(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o

See the original post:

Tucker Carlson would like to tell you about the time his package got lost in the mail. - Slate

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