Meet the Next Generation of Black Lives Matter Activists Who Are Using TikTok To Create Change – Well+Good

TikTok user Gems bio reads the revolution will be TikTokdand theyre certainly not alone in that belief or intention given that TikTok activism is, well, a thing. Recently, a number of TikTok users claimed to register for tickets to President Donald Trumps rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, without having any intention to attend. The effect was a silent protest of sorts, with the rally attendance numbers falling dramatically shorter than what was predicted.

Furthermore, the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag on TikTok has garnered more than 12 billion views, and many users of the social media platform have deemed the short vide clips it supports their medium of choice for striking effective change. Which, as a reminder, can take shape in a number of ways, including disrupting, storytelling, and guiding.

Gem and a host of other Black Lives Matter activists are leading the charge of using TikTok as a medium for striking change, and allies to the Black community would benefit from following them, stat. Take note of what each of the following five TikTok activists has to say about issues like defunding the police, shadowbanning on TikTok, and white fragility. Then use your own voice to amplify their worthy messages conveyed via TikTok activism.

Gems videos are poignant callouts of white privilege, white fragility, and white centering. In the video above, they focus on the fact that, although many white liberals are pro-abolition, they often still hold some hypocrisy if they believe in the existing prison and police system. Also be sure to watch Gems videos on self-congratulatory allyship and distinguishing between the terms Black and POC.

Joyola Dokun uses her vocal talents to lyricize about oppression, white guilt, and the Black experience in America. More of her videos to watch include signature songs dedicated to the Black community.

Naomi Brook is all about celebrating and taking pride in Black culture. Shes also about calling out negative comments directed at her that are laced with racismand the internet is better off for it.

Jailyns lightning-fast TikTok videos cram a ton of useful, timely information about the Black Lives Matter movement into short (often funny) videos. The one above, for example, uses an extended garden metaphor to explain what it means to defund the police. Watch her four-part TikTok videos series about what to do instead of calling the cops.

User Pastrami On Rai has actively called out TikToks shadowbanning of Black voices in late Maythe practice of blocking a users content on social media without the user readily knowingand shes only continued to call out both macro and microaggressions on TikTok and beyond. Check out her videos about Juneteenthand police use of LRADs weapons.

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Meet the Next Generation of Black Lives Matter Activists Who Are Using TikTok To Create Change - Well+Good

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