How to ensure your content is not being shadow banned on …

18/10/2018Author: Prominence Global | Business, content marketing, Instagram, LinkedIn, LinkedIn, Marketing, Social Media

If youve noticed your engagement decreasing all of a sudden and your followers are dropping like flies, Im sorry to report, maybe you have become a victim of the dreaded social media shadow ban.

The shadow ban is now taking place across the big social media platforms including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

And if its happened to you, you will know. You will see it and feel it in the content you are putting out therebasically because it will be like crickets.


So have you been shadow banned? Or do you feel like you might be a victim? Let me explain what it is, who it happens to and why.

Its a massive phenomenon at the moment and many people I know and are talking to have been hit by the shadow ban on one platform or another.

Heres whatWikipediahas to say about it:Shadow banning (also called stealth banning, ghost banning or comment ghosting) is the act of blocking a user or their content from an online community such that the user does not realise that they have been banned.

Now we all know how important social media is to our businesses in this day and age. So a shadow ban could be detrimental to your profile and online presence, not to mention the connection, engagement and possible sales we might miss out on because of one.

The bad thing with shadow banning is that you might not even know it has happened to you and you could even believe youve been a good social media poster, abiding by all the rules and simply trying to grow your following.

Thats why its called shadow banning because it done in secret.

This could be completely true, however, you might accidentally be doing some things that warrant the social media platforms shadow ban.

Ok, so lets talk about what a shadow ban is exactly.

What is a shadow ban on social media?

Shadow banning is a mannerin which social media platform stop spam from happening, which is perfectly fine.

Its used to stop spammers, keep feeds clean and their customers happy.

The different platform will have different ideals and elements of whats included as part of a shadow ban but generally its a softer approach to giving you a warning that youre not playing by their rules, rather than just banning you completely.

Facebook has been open with their bans in that past if you have been spammy by messaging too many people or liking too many accounts too quickly.

Sadly, you probably wont know youve been shadow banned, especially if you dont know what it is and are only researching it for the first time now.

You will keep going about your business and posting and its not until you notice your reach has gone down, your likes, comments and shares are also down and youre not getting new followers that youll think what the heck is going on here?!.

Mostly you will find the shadow ban is temporary and not for very long, but some social media sites like Reddit will ban you for good.

Basically in a nutshell, you will become invisible to new prospects and followers, especially in the hashtag feeds. You will still be seen by your current followers, which is why you will still get some engagement.

Who does it happen to?

Anyone! It can happen to you if you are being naughty or nice on social media, meaning if you are playing by the rules if can happen to legit accounts and if you are abusing the platform if can happening to you as well.

Its important to note here that its not a deliberate attempt by the social media platform to stop your posts from being seen and found, its not personal. It is a project they are all working on to make sure they provide the best experience for their users and people looking at your content.

So please dont take it personally. It can be an easy mistake and thats why its important for me to share this information with you.

Are you wondering if its happened to you?

Check your engagement levels, if they are down and you havent been getting as many likes, comments, shares and new followers, theres a good chance its happened.

So theres a very easy test you can do to find out if you have been shadow banned. Ask a few people who dont follow you to see if they can find your account and if they can see your post in the hashtag feed.

What you might have done to get shadow banned. Here are some simple answers.

There are plenty of things you might have done without realising that it was a bad move and now you are shadow banned.

How to make sure it doesnt happen to you

If you are being sensible and doing all the right things, a shadow ban wont affect you and it doesnt have to mean the end of your profile and presence. If you have been shadow banned, now you know what not to do!

The number one rule is to always share good content responsibly.

Another area most people dont look at is the terms and conditions of the social media platforms. It would be a good idea to run your eye over these to see what you are allowed to do. Lets take a look at the things you can do on social media to avoid being shadow banned.

First and foremost, play by the rules.

If you do get shadow banned there are few things you can do.

If you are unsure of the shadow ban and dont want it to happen to you, please reach out. If you particularly want to know if its happened on LinkedIn, I have a live training where I will be going over this and the changes to LinkedIn in more detail on Nov 27th, 2018, from 7pm AEST. Heres your link to join us.<>

There are other ways we can help you too. Here are 4 ways we can help you accelerate your lead generation results:

Its the road map to positioning your profile in the top 5% of the 550 million LinkedIn users currently active Click Here

Its our Facebook community where smart entrepreneurs learn to get more leads and smart ways to scale using LinkedIn Click Here

Every 8 weeks we have a new intake into our 12 week Influencer program Click Here for more details

If youd like to work directly with us to create new marketing opportunities send us a quick message Click here tell us a little about your business and well organise a time for a deeper chat

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How to ensure your content is not being shadow banned on ...

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