Letters to the Editor, June 27 – Toronto Sun


Never before have I wanted to embrace the Canadian flag more than I do today, a special pride, that puffed up feeling about ones country, on Canada Day. Sometimes the shadow cast over us, by the American eagle, causes me to ask, What is the significance of our nation? A question that will take me to the past. Canada has often been taken for granted, looking for no accolades from other nations, but has fought with allies during two World Wars, Korea, Afghanistan and other occasions. We gave our support and comfort to passengers of planes diverted on 9/11 to Newfoundland, while Canadian volunteers help nations with wildlife conservation, and so much more. Im proud to say our politicians have shown their grit fighting this COVID-19 pandemic, having listened to medical professionals regarding this virus. This is one of our nations finest hours, the world seeing the character of our people, fighting against this virus, as our flag sways gently over Parliament building steeples. Our red and white striped flag, with its red maple leaf symbolizing pride and strength, made of 100% nylon, has also flown over many international peacekeeping locations, such as Kosovo, Timor, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Croatia, Bosnia, where 125,000 Canadians over six decades have served in over 35 nations for UN and NATO peacekeeping missions. Ive definitely answered my own question, we certainly are a significant nation!

Peter J. Middlemore Sr.Windsor

(Far too often we feel diminished under the shadow of our American neighbors, but what you have written here is an excellent reminder of just how much of a giant of a country we are and we should be proud)


Has it occurred to your readers that we are no longer able to think, speak or act differently from the dictated and accepted ideology of the day. This censorship is painted under the guise of improved human relations, but it foreshadows an authoritarian government where the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not recognized. That document states that: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Betty L. ReadeOakville

(Freedom of speech and the freedom to have a dissenting opinion are under fire. Say nothing so no one is offended seems to be the order of the day. This is a troubling notion)


Re If Canada does a prisoner exchange (Anthony Furey, June 26): I couldnt believe Anthony was endorsing a prisoner exchange with China. Give in to the bully, not Canada! Then I read on. Pull up the drawbridge, suggesting when the Michaels are back on Canadian soil, announce the banning of Huawei, then implement measures to prevent the Chinese government from purchasing Canadian firms and to withdraw our membership from the IMF. Brilliant. Anthony for PM!

Glenn SilverWoodbridge

(Its a nuanced argument, but one worth exploring)


Vince Carter has made an indelible impact on the NBA with his remarkable skill and enduring commitment. I congratulate him on a storied career, and I thank him for being a true ambassador of the game.

Paul BaconHallandale Beach, Fla.

(We share your sentiment. Carter was a star and always a great ambassador for the sport)


Letters to the Editor, June 27 - Toronto Sun

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