CENSORSHIP: Trump’s Truth Social Shadow Banning Users Talking About Jan …

One of conservatives major gripes is their shadow banning and suppression on the part of social media giants like Twitter and Facebook. Now, their complaints might have to extend to former President Donald Trump, whose own social media platform is apparently shadow banning people, too.

The non-profit group Public Citizen said the banning of certain types of content on Truth Social are at odds with the principles of free speech the very thing Trump said he intended to protect with the launching of his social media platform.

Our own research on the platform confirms that the site engages in shadow banning, which is fully or partially blocking users content without warning, notice, or recourse, the group said. This is prevalent with regard to both progressive subject matter and across various other topics.

Those other topics include any post containing the phrase abortion is healthcare, which would get users automatically shadow banned and the post hidden from view.

Additionally, a number of Truth Social users reported having their accounts permanently suspended after posting about the January 6th Committee hearings, said Cheyenne Hunt-Majer of Public Citizen. Other users have alleged that their posts were censored or their accounts were deactivated after sharing a video from the January 6th hearings of Ivanka Trump doubting her fathers claims that the election was stolen.

Similar allegations are being made against Truth Social among users who posted truths critical of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

(YWN World Headquarters NYC)

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CENSORSHIP: Trump's Truth Social Shadow Banning Users Talking About Jan ...

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