Bethenny Frankel Alleges TikTok ‘Shadow Banning’ After Slamming Kardashians

Bethenny Frankel claims has been "shadow banned" on TikTok following comments about the Kardashians and celebrity brands.

The Real Housewives of New York City alum, 51, spoke out against the reality TV clan on Just B with Bethenny Frankel.

"We need a Kardashian intermission," she said, before admitting she was not sure if she should continue commenting on the family.

"And I've honestly been afraid to say it. It's not because Kris [Jenner] is the mafia and controls a lot of the media, because I don't give a f**k, cancel me."

In her anti-Kardashian rant, Frankel wondered about the influence they had on younger generations.

"What are we saying to our kids? What is the message? Take it all? Be as rich as possible? Filter as much as possible? Be as fake as much as possible. Brag as much as possible?" Frankel questioned.

"Get plastic surgery and lie about it as much as possible? What the f**k are we doing? Then do a charity donation to like rinse it over as much as possible? What are we doing?"

Frankel then took her complaints to the next level saying she felt "waterboarded" over the excessive amount of "Kard-data" in the media.

"Kard-data" was a term she came up with to describe what she saw as relentless media images of the Kardashian-Jenners, saying "please stop shoving [the Kardashians] down my throat."

Frankel also claimed she was getting fewer views on TikTok, slamming the popular app for "shadow banning."

"Since I seem to have been "shadowbanned" on Tik Tok, since posting about celeb brands, & get only 10 percent of normal views on this reel, hmmmm (my smart followers pointed this out) it seemed like this should be posted here.... Coincidence maybe? Or is censorship real?" Frankel wrote on Instagram alongside a video of her Kardashian diatribe.

"Shadow banning" refers to the practice by social media brands to partially blocking a user who has fallen out of favor by reducing how much of their content is seen by other users.

It might not be immediately apparent to the user they have been shadow banned, but the aim of the practice is the hope they will become tired or bored of the app if not getting the usual amount of interactions.

Newsweek has been unable to verify Frankel's claims about shadow banning. We have reached out to TikTok for comment.

Frankel is no stranger to controversy.

Last year she came under fire for her comments about a "person with a penis, who identifies as being a girl."

"We have to go into the fact that I did a Zoom for my daughter's school and [had] the pronouns conversation with each teacher, each parent, each child," she said about her daughter Bryn.

"And my daughter says in school, too, that everybody has to say their pronouns. And my daughter didn't even know what hers were."

She continued about a "person with a penis, who identifies as being a girl" sharing a room with other girls at school camp.

"So, the other girls saw a penis," the TV personality said. "They're 9, 10 years old, so the parents obviously weren't that happy ... A penis often goes into a vagina so they might not want that visual so soon."

Frankel added that if she had a transgender child, she would "want my child to go to another camp where there were kids in the same situation."

"Not every situation is set up to make someone thrive," she said. "I know parents who won't send their children to very athletic school because they're not jocks so they're gonna set them up for not feeling successful. You can't make every situation fit. The camp didn't think it through."

She then turned her attention to gender-inclusive bathrooms.

"What happens if a child isn't ready to make a decision?" Frankel asked. "Don't a lot of girls in college have a lesbian phase and then they realize that they're not?

"Maybe they're going through something, maybe they want attention, maybe they're going through a bad break-up. What is the age that someone's absolutely positive who they are? There's got to be gray area."

"I've heard of situations when [people] unmake that decision," she went on. "What does that mean for that camp? What does that mean for that bunk? Maybe a mother isn't ready for her child to see a penis in a bunk and understand that child identifies as a girl."

Frankel praised her "amazing" daughter for her knowledge of the subject, saying Bryn "understands all this" and has "different language" to discuss it.

She added: "She also hasn't seen a penis. In a camp, she would see girl parts."

Her podcast statements provoked fury online, with a number of Twitter users branding Frankel transphobicbut she quickly hit back.

She tweeted to one detractor: "Listen to the podcast. Then comment. I was absolutely not wrong. And I'm going to discuss this again this week. Thankfully I have a platform to clarify what the media loves to distort... ps. I'm not afraid of cancelation so not afraid of charged discussions."

See original here:

Bethenny Frankel Alleges TikTok 'Shadow Banning' After Slamming Kardashians

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