Top Legal Expert On Torture Identifies US, UK, & Canadian, Govs., As The World’s Top Torturers –

Monday, 25 May 2020, 12:00 pmArticle: Eric Zuesse

The U.N.s Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer,has declared that Julian Assange is being tortured inBritains super-max Belmarsh Prison, by applyingtorture that will not leave physical traces, that willerase the personality of the victim, and that thesemethods of torture were first applied by the Nazis at theDachau concentration camp and subsequently refined throughexperiments on untold numbers of victims so as to establishmind-control over them. (The Nazis used this in order toconvert anti-Nazis into their own agents.) The chief personwho oversaw these experiments for the U.S., Canadian, and UKGovernments, was Dr. Ewen Cameron, President of the AmericanPsychiatric Association (19521953), Canadian PsychiatricAssociation (19581959),[2] American PsychopathologicalAssociation (1963),[3] Society of Biological Psychiatry(1965) and World Psychiatric Association (19611966). (The114 page 1973Amnesty International Report on Torture didntmention Dr. Cameron even once. Neither did their 50-page Torturein 2014: 30 Years of Broken Promises. Neither didanything else from Amnesty InternationaI. Nor from HumanRights Watch. Both organizations are allied with fundedby billionaires of the U.S. regime. Its down thememory-hole, for Cameron.)

Melzer tweeted on May8th:

Today one year ago we visited #Assange inprison.

He showed clear signs of prolongedpsychological #Torture.

First I was shockedthat mature democracies could produce such anaccident.

Then I found out it was noaccident.

Now, I am scared to find out aboutour democracies.

In a panel discussion ofStephen Bennetts documentary, Eminent Monsters(see thefilms trailer here), Melzer says (4:40-) you seestates [governments] investing actually billions intodeveloping methods of torture that will not leave physicaltraces and will actually erase the personality of the victimand working on this for decades, and its enormous to seethe scale of these programs, and also to know where theseactually come from, because the first ones to actuallysystematically experiment with this were the Nazis in theDachau concentration camp. Wikipedia has a comprehensivearticle on Cameron which even includes descriptionof some of his MKULTRA Subproject 68 experiments onvictims who came into his care for anxietydisorders, sexually abused, etc., experimentingextensively on his patients without their consent,causing long-term damage, courtesy of AmericasCIA and with the full cooperation of the intelligenceservices also of Canada and UK. Some of Dr. Cameronspatients have describedon the CBC how Cameron had permanently nullified (destroyed)parts of whom they had been.

The superb 1991 bookby John Marks, TheSearch for the Manchurian Candidate, isabout MKULTRA, and opens with Our guiding light is notthe Hippocratic oath, a doctor working for the CentralIntelligence Agency told a classroomful of recruits back inthe nid-1960s, but the victory of freedom. Thatsa good paraphrase of George Orwells 1984, but thisone is a real-life version of that. And, of course, thoughRussia ended its side of the Cold War in 1991, Americashas secretly continued it as if that never happened anti-communism hadactually been merely the excuse for Amercas new andpermanent military-industrial complex, the permanent-wareconomy based on its giant weapons-manufacturers, whichDwight Eisenhower hypocritically warned against on 17January 1960, just as he was about to leave office, butwhich he himself had actually persuaded Harry Trumanon 26July 1945 to start (the Cold War), justwhen WW II was ending. Ike was the actual godfather toGeneral Dynamics, Lockheed, etc., and his warning againstthem was pure personal PR for himself in the historybooks, nothing which was real. After the Soviet Union itselfended in 1991, America expanded NATO right up to Russiasborder, and now surrounds Russia on all its sides, and theAmerican population nowadays no longer even needs anyideological excuse for being fascists, because decades ofconditioning via the billionaires media into acceptingand supporting America as being a global empire and nolonger as being a decent sovereign and independent nation,in a global community of nations, have made this aggressiveinternational behavior of the American Goverrnmentacceptable to the majority of the U.S. population. Thismindset and the impunity of all post-WW-II U.S.Presidents for their having instituted and carrying outMKULTRA has become a success of mind-control on an epicscale. And courageous resistors such as the AustralianJulian Assange are getting the worst of it.

The UnitedStates Government trainsits foreign proxy-forces in torture-techniques forforcing local prisoners to give evidence that serveits purposes, such as to extract from Iraqis testimony thatSaddam Hussein was behind 9/11, or for prisoners to revealthe identity or location of other freedom-fighters againstthe U.S.-imposed international tyranny. No nation in theworld even approximates the number of invasions, coups, andeconomic blockades (called sanctions), that the U.S.regime imposes, and that it demands its allies(foreign stooge-vassal nations) to comply with so that theU.S. can strangulate its intended victim-nations, such asSyria, Iran and Venezuela nations that (like Iraq) nevereven threatened America, and so all of this is pureaggression. Black sites where U.S. forces tell foreignlocal forces what tortures to inflict and how, areconsidered acceptable by the increasingly morallycompromised U.S. population for the U.S. regime to imposeabroad, in the name of spreading freedom, dignity, andhuman rights, to lands that Americas aristocracyhavent yet conquered, but still intend toconquer.

The spirit of Hitler lives on, in the U.S.regime, and we see it clearly in places such as Honduras, ElSalvador, Guatemala, Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, and Venezuela,all in different ways, and all targeting against differentvictim-populations.

Unlike in Hitlers Nazi Party,Americas regime is bipartisan andentails the billionaires in both of the fascist regimestwo political Parties. By means of dividing thebillionaires into these two contending political teams, oneDemocratic and the other Republican, the post-WW-II myth ofa democratic United States continues to be spread bothnationally and internationally, in order for the regime tocontinue to be called democratic, long afterdemocracys having actually expiredin the U.S.

Investigativehistorian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of TheyreNot Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican EconomicRecords, 1910-2010, and of CHRISTSVENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that CreatedChristianity.

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Top Legal Expert On Torture Identifies US, UK, & Canadian, Govs., As The World's Top Torturers -

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