The Julian Assange Show: Cypherpunks, Part 1 (E8, p.1)

Cyber threats, hacker attacks and laws officially aiming to tackle internet piracy, but in fact infringing people's rights to online privacy. It's an increasingly topical subject - and the world's most famous whistleblower is aiming to get to the heart of it. In the latest edition of his interview program here on RT, Julian Assange gets together with activists from the Cypherpunk movement - Andy Mller-Maguhn, Jeremie Zimmermann, and Jacob Appelbaum.

You can catch the 8th edition of Julian Assange's series in full today at 11:30 GMT on

If you've missed the previous episodes, you can always watch them online at

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The Julian Assange Show: Cypherpunks, Part 1 (E8, p.1)

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