Pamela Anderson Offers Advice for Trump Based on Her …

With no acting projects on the horizon, apart from a cameo in the big screen Baywatch, it appearsPamela Andersonnow fancies herself a political poet.

The actress and model, who often championsanimals asa PETA spokesperson, has now turned her attention to the White House with a new poem she has penned, titled, I Like How You Resist Me.

The lengthy read, posted to her website, touches on everything from the Trump administration and the state of the free world, to espionage and her special relationship with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. In discussing President Trumps relationship to Theresa May, Anderson has suggested that France, the U.S. and the U.K. have a threesome.

Also Read: Pamela Anderson Addresses Julian Assange Dating Rumors -- Really

Anderson and Assangehave been rumored as an item since February. Anderson saidpreviously that the two had joined forces to do something important. Assange had previously saidof Anderson: Shes an attractive person with an attractive personality. Shes no idiot at all! Psychologically, shes very savvy.

In the poem, Anderson cries for No more war!, no walls! (around countries or embassies), and urges us all to not forget how to make love

I will stay relentlessly engaged, she promised, adding, Like it or not.

Read the full poem below:

I may have some advice for Trump and May on special relationships-

based on my own special relationship with Julian Assange

Regarding Free Speech and Democracy.

France can join in as a threesome.

A fast approaching UK election,

heated up US threats,

and the French makes this the opportune time to discuss politics romantically.

It is a romantic struggle

Things that the USA and UK bring to the relationship are Bad secrecy laws. Keeping Julian illegally detained. Hating transparency and Bombing countries.

It is dysfunctional and unequal, this relationship to date.

I wish to help them to improve it,

and make it work.

And, bring sexy back.

Just as a dysfunctional lover-

The USA has been spying on UK(reading emails and listening to calls).

All this, that the USA does is as a freakish lover or stalker would.

My recommendations are;

Keep things separate as in a good relationship:

The UK should have an independent foreign policy not based on a special relationship-


the UK and USA relationship would be based on a fundamental reconfiguration of domestic politics, and their relationship with the rest of the world.

They then should disarm and withdraw their troops from Afghanistan and other overseas military engagements, and pursue a peaceful and cooperative diplomatic relationship with other countries.

Create a bilateral extradition treaty between them, it should at least appear as if it is between two equal westphalian state entities, rather than between a lord and vassal (or dominant and submissive partner).

It is completely disproportionate and has asymmetrical evidentiary standards.

If disarming and withdrawing from Afghanistan seems too out there.

Another dynamic approach is to

encourage other countries to reduce their quantise of arms: If you will, I will.


Agree with other countries to stop arming and destabilising the Middle East.

War is a racket.

Subordinating safety and human rights to the profit motives of arms exporters is not strong, or sexy.

Other relationship issues to work on jointly:

Openness and honesty are a must in any relationship.

So, need to get rid of approaching everything with secrecy and cover up.

Stop abusing espionage and secrecy laws.

Cant stop?

Then get rid of them -

and replace them with laws

that cant be abused.

Stop shouting and punishing people who offer them help (as if a couple would turn against a relationship counsellor?) Julian is trying to help.

And, if their relationship is improved, they can expand it. Diplomatic relations with other countries should be in the spirit of mutual respect

Not haughty superiority.

Such as we saw in the threats to invade the embassy in violation of the Vienna convention. Or the refusal to comply with the UN ruling. A healthy relationship is reciprocal and has a single standard for behaviour.

Not a double standard,

where Britain gets to call out other countries for defying UN findings- but blow them off when they are against the UK.

I cant help but think romantically.

That is where my compass lays. In love and compassion.

To apply common sense relationship advice might be the key.

We must not forget how to make love

But, war.

No more war!

And no walls! (around countries or embassies).

I will stay relentlessly engaged.

Like it or not

Over the years, Republicans particularly Donald Trump supporters have done a 180 (or a full 360) in their remarks about WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange. When he leaked on Hillary Clintons campaign in 2016, some Republicans said he was doing America a great service. But now the Trump administration is poised to attempt to convict Assange and WikiLeaks for their leaking activities. Here are fivetimes Trump and his supporters have flipped on the matter.

In 2010, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said this about Assange: He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders?

In 2016, though, Palin changed her tune. She posted an apology to Assange on Facebook. I apologize for condemning Assange when he published my infamous (and proven noncontroversial, relatively boring) emails years ago, she wrote.

Way back when, Fox News host Sean Hannity said what Assange was doing was waging his war on America and called for his arrest. He also said WikiLeaks stealing and publishing classified documents put lives at risk, as Media Matters reported.

When Assange started leaking emails from the Clinton campaign, though, Hannity became very friendly. He even brought the WikiLeaks founder onto his show for an interview, saying America owes you a debt of gratitude.

Back in 2010, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said Assange was a terrorist. Information warfare is warfare. Julian Assange is engaged in warfare. Information terrorism, which leads to people getting killed is terrorism. And Julian Assange is engaged in terrorism.

Once WikiLeaks turned its attention to Clinton, though, Huckabee was ready to discuss Hillary Clintons criminal enterprise, as he called it, on Hannity. He didnt, however, have anything to say about where the leaks came from or whether the leakers should be brought up on treason charges.

Trump had strong words for Wikileaks in 2010. As CNN reported, in an interview with radio host Brian Kilmeade, Trump said of Wikileaks, I think it's disgraceful, I think there should be like death penalty or something.

During the campaign, though, Trumps support for WikiLeaks was hard to miss. He tweeted over and over again about things WikiLeaks documents about the Clinton campaign, and said at one campaign rally in October, WikiLeaks has provided things that are unbelievable.

While Trump repeatedly tweeted about documents released by WikiLeaks aimed at damaging Clinton, he also tweeted it was the dishonest media that claimed he was in agreement with WikiLeaks.

Republicans were fans of WikiLeaks during the election, but now the U.S. is looking to charge members of the organization

Over the years, Republicans particularly Donald Trump supporters have done a 180 (or a full 360) in their remarks about WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange. When he leaked on Hillary Clintons campaign in 2016, some Republicans said he was doing America a great service. But now the Trump administration is poised to attempt to convict Assange and WikiLeaks for their leaking activities. Here are fivetimes Trump and his supporters have flipped on the matter.

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Pamela Anderson Offers Advice for Trump Based on Her ...

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