Pamela Anderson Defends Russia and Julian Assange: Ive …

Pamela Anderson offered a vigorous defense of Julian Assange and Russia Tuesday evening, telling Fox News host Tucker Carlson that she often jokes about U.S-Russia tensions at the Kremlin where she apparently speaks often.

Everyone likes to blame Russia when anything goes wrong in America and Ive spoken at the Kremlin many times and the last time I was there, there was something happening and the first thing they say to me is oh what have we done wrong this time, said Anderson.

America likes to blame them for everything, said the actress, who also called the accusations that Assange and Putin had collaborated to throw the 2016 U.S. presidential election to Trump crazy.

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Anderson explained that she traveled to Russia frequently as part of her work with animal rights and that Putin was very concerned about the issue.

As for the WikiLeaks chief now under house arrest in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London? Anderson said Assange was just a misunderstood soul.

Assange is just an incredible person. If you read anything that his mother says about him thats kind of an interesting source to go to hes always been like this. Since a child, hes been worried about doing the right thing. And I think hes very brave.

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Assange Sweden six years ago following rape accusations and has avoided deportation to that country or potentially the United States by hiding out with the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

Once lauded by liberals as a free speech advocate exposing government secrets, Assange became a lightning rod for his role in releasing emails hacked from the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

It is known that the RNC was also hacked during the same period, but the files were never released.

You can watch the full Fox News interview here.

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Pamela Anderson Defends Russia and Julian Assange: Ive ...

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