New Threats to Julian Assange; Consortium News to Broadcast …

New threats to the safety of Julian Assange, to be disclosed shortly by Consortium News, have prompted an emergency meeting of his supporters.

New Threats Reported

to Assange to Be Revealed

An alarming series of occurrences have unfolded this week that indicate serious, urgent threats to the physical well-being of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange. Those close to the publisher are swiftly moving to address the recent escalations.

The Unity4J movement is calling an emergency meeting for all movement participants, supporters and the public. This will commence on Saturday November 3rd, 2018 at 3pm EST (midday Pacific), via

At the meeting, details of these new threats to Julians life will be presented, along with the unveiling of a new action plan to secure and protect his life, human rights, and freedom.

A special message from Julians mother, Christine Assange will also be broadcasted.

Julian Assange has been arbitrarily detained in the UK for eight years, six of which he has spent as a political refugee in Ecuadors embassy in London. The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has ruled Mr Assange should be immediately freed and compensated. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights has ruled that the UK must facilitate safe passage for him.

#Unity4J is a global mass movement in solidarity with Julian Assange, created in response to Ecuadors gagging of the publisher. Unity4J has been endorsed by more than fifty high profile activists, journalists, celebrities, academics and former US intelligence officials including Chris Hedges, Jimmy Dore, Ray McGovern, Bill Binney and Daniel Ellsberg.

Movement hashtag: #Unity4J Official website:

Official Twitter: @Unity4J

WikiLeaks Legal Defence Fund: donate.html

WikiLeaks support website:

Courage Foundation:

Other credible accounts for Julian Assange updates: https://

MEDIA INQUIRIES: Media inquiries and interview requests should be made to Suzie Dawson, via DM on Twitter: @Suzi3D, or by emailing

Background reading:

Courage Foundation: Assanges protection from US extradition in jeopardy assanges-protection-from-us-extradition-in-jeopardy/

Conspiracy emerges to push Julian Assange into British and US hands

The UKs Hidden Role in Assanges Detention https://

Treatment of Assange is unjust, says former Ecuador minister guillaume-long

Ecuadors Ex-President Rafael Correa Denounces Treatment of Julian Assange as Torture 2018/05/16/ecuadors-ex-president-rafael-correa-denouncestreatment-of-julian-assange-as-torture/

Opinion: Ecuadors Solitary Confinement Of Assange Is Torture

Being Julian Assange:

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New Threats to Julian Assange; Consortium News to Broadcast ...

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