Letters: Free Assange; protect the press (11/7/20) – The Denver Post

Dave Granlund, PoliticalCartoons.comFree Assange; protect the press

Democracy requires a free press.

We see press freedom in the news when the president attacks the media or when social media platforms restrict open dialogue. And the most important First Amendment case in generations is underway right now as the U.S. government attempts to extradite WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange.

Assange has been indicted for his role in publishing the Chelsea Manning leaks, which won awards for exposing potential war crimes, revealing civilian casualties, and changing the public conversation about our endless post-9/11 wars. They also made Manning and Assange targets. Manning spent seven years behind bars, and Assange sought refuge from Ecuador to avoid falling into U.S. hands. Assange was arrested in London last year and faces 175 years in prison on unprecedented Espionage Act charges that have drawn global condemnation from journalists and legal scholars.

In August, an international coalition of lawyers and legal societies called on the United Kingdom to release Assange. They noted that Assange would not receive a fair trial, that the allegations against him were political offenses, and that Assange would likely be subject to inhumane treatmen like solitary confinement.

Neither Trump nor Biden have good records on this issue. Trumps administration is prosecuting Assange. Biden once called Assange a high-tech terrorist. We should pressure both candidates to endorse dropping the extradition request. And we should call on Colorados congressional delegation to support whistleblower protections and the freedom of the press.

Kendra Christian, Denver

Editors note: Christian is a volunteer with Denver Action to Free Assange.

Re: November starts out warm, then a cold snap arrives, Nov. 1 news story

I find it strange and amazing that 10 of the highest temps you show on your chart were all at least 46 years ago, and some date back to the 1800s. Where is global warming?

Steven Petty, Monument

Re: Why Gardner lost Senate seat, Nov. 5 news story

Your sub headline reads Changing electorate, Trump, coronavirus pandemic helped. Maybe its as simple as Hickenlooper is more popular

Joe Pickard, Littleton

Heartbreaking that President Donald Trump declared in his Nov. 2 stump event in Fayetteville, N.C., that Your tobacco growers are in good shape, by the way. Please let them know.

Thankful that President Trump doesnt smoke like my poor Alabama father, a WWII veteran that survived the Philippines Campaign but his emphysema-by-smoking killed him in 1964.

It is so sad that Trump proclaims to be pro-life while tobacco has painfully and slowly killed nearly 2 million people during his administration. Humanity grieves that pro-death tobacco has compromised and controlled all our earthly leaders. Fatherless by tobacco at age 11.

Mike Sawyer, Denver

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Letters: Free Assange; protect the press (11/7/20) - The Denver Post

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