Julian Assange’s team ‘making plans for imminent expulsion …

Julian Assange's six-year self-imposed imprisonmentinside theEcuadorean embassy in London appears to be drawing to a close, with the countries in talks and the Wikileaks founder reportedly pondering his next move.

Lenin Moreno,Ecuador's president,has confirmed a July 15 report in London's Sunday Times that Ecuador and Britain were in talks to try to end Mr Assange's stay at the embassy where he has been holed up since successfully seeking asylum in 2012.

Mr Moreno said on Friday any eviction of Mr Assangefrom the embassy had to be carried out correctly and through dialogue, but he displayed no sympathy forthe Wikileaks founder'spolitical agenda as a leaker of confidential documents.

"I have never been in favour of MrAssange's activity," Mr Moreno said at an event in Madrid.

"I have never agreed with the interventions in people's private emails in order to obtain information, however valuable it may be, to bring out certain undesirable acts of governments or people, not in that way.

"There are correct and legal ways to do it."

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Julian Assange's team 'making plans for imminent expulsion ...

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