Julian Assange to mark two years in Ecuadorian embassy …

Two years of being trapped inside an Ecuadorian embassy has not sweetened WikiLeaks wizard Julian Assange's disposition.

Assange has vowed to post more diplomatic dirt online Thursday to mark the second anniversary of his imprisonment at the embassy in London.

Earlier, Assange hinted at what's to come, saying the soon-to-be-leaked documents are "in the field of international negotiations" involving some 50 countries.

Assange did not elaborate, but they are sure to include the U.S. and reportedly Canada and Australia as well.

In a conference call on Wednesday, Assange sent a message to President Obama and U.S Attorney General Eric Holder.

"Mr. Obama, you must surely now start to reflect on what your legacy will be after two presidential terms," he said. "It must be at odds with a former professor of constitutional law to have a legacy of being the President that conducted more espionage investigations against journalists than all Presidents going back to 1917 and the original issuance of the Espionage Act."

Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago.

Assange also called former Australian foreign minister Bob Carr a liar and said he's been watching the World Cup soccer tournament.

The WikiLeaks founder has been holed up in the embassy because he is wanted in Sweden for questioning about sexual abuse allegations.

Assange claims he is being persecuted for releasing a treasure trove of classified documents about NSA surveillance and military documents detailing U.S. actions in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

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Julian Assange to mark two years in Ecuadorian embassy ...

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