Julian Assange confirms data firm Trump hired during campaign …

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange confirmed Wednesday that the CEO of a data analytics firm President Trump's campaign hired during last year's election offered to help him handle 33,000 emails he claimed to have recovered from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Cambridge Analytica leader Alexander Nix told a third party he had contacted Assange about partnering to work on the emails, though the specific task at hand was not shared.

Assange did not accept Nix's offer to help, sources familiar with a congressional probe into the Trump campaign's possible relationship with Russia said Wednesday. Assange tweeted a statement mid-Wednesday local time.

"I can confirm an approach by Cambridge Analytica [prior to November last year] and can confirm that it was rejected by WikiLeaks," he said.

However, it's still unconfirmed since the Clinton emails were never released that Wikileaks has the thousands of pages of electronic messages.

A federal team and the House and Senate intelligence committees have so far been unsuccessful at finding any evidence of collusion between Trump's associates and Russia before, during, or after the 2016 presidential election.

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Julian Assange confirms data firm Trump hired during campaign ...

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