Julian Assange case is a retreat in civic progress and protection | Opinion – Commercial Appeal

Kelly Brother, Guest Columnists Published 10:00 a.m. CT March 4, 2020 | Updated 4:23 p.m. CT March 4, 2020

Whether you agree with him or not, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is no stranger to controversy. USA TODAY

The case of Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, violates not only Assange's rights as a public servant but journalism as a whole.

Is it hyperbolic to question whether or not a major pillar of Western Civilization - freedom of the press, the fourth estate, the right to both tell and hear hard truths - is in danger of collapse?

The farcical show-trial underway at Belmarsh prison in London, England of WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, provokes this extreme question.

During his presidential campaign, President Donald Trump declared, WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks, when the divulged DNC and Hillary Clinton emails suited his political aspirations.

Now in power, Trumphas fallen in line with those who wish to protect state secrets." A related issue is the partisan, feckless case made by Democrats in the headlong rush to create political separation by impeachingTrump. And who consequently protested to the skies that the Ukraine-gate whistleblower--whose name is easily discoverable on the internet--should not only remain anonymous but should be treated with the utmost care and protection. Special pleading at its worst.

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Does it matter? The use of digital technology to disseminate news should play no role in deciding this question. No more than deciding whether or not TV and radio are more trustworthy than print. Neither should the size or nationality of the news organization in question matter.

Arianna Huffington once stated that anyone with a cell phone can be a journalist. Local and national news media routinely ask for news tips and cell phone imagery.

The precedents of Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers), Webb (cocaine, Iran-Contra), Hersh (My Lai), and many others along with their hard won, concomitant legal and ethical touchstones renders the case against Assange a retreat in civic progress and protection.

Whether one regards him a hero or traitor, Assange will become a martyr if he is allowed to die in captivity or languish in prison for years on end. Nations will continue to criminally overstep their bounds--especially in war--and truth-seekers will continue to reveal dark secrets. That evens the pretense or illusion of what many, both left and right, now question is a truly honest, free and functioning press, and that is now under such assault, bodes ill for everyone--those in power as well as those not.

The stench of hypocrisy in the global promotion of democracy and Western values now reeks to high heaven.


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Freedom to report all news must remain sacrosanct.

It is never too late to change course. Let all people of conscience, duty and humanity lift their voices in opposition to this attack on the ability to both tell and hear hard truths and free Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden and all those who seek to hold to account our democratic, representative institutions of power.

We the people should demand no less.

Kelly Brother is a freelance graphic artist and former citizen editor with The Commercial Appeal.

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Julian Assange case is a retreat in civic progress and protection | Opinion - Commercial Appeal

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