Julian Assange and #MeToo: Skeevy guys strike back – Salon.com

If I hadkilled somebody, it wouldnt have had so much appeal to the press, you see? Polanski told author Martin Amis in a 1979 interview. "But fucking, you see, and the young girls. Judges want to fuck young girls. Juries want to fuck young girls everyone wants to fuck young girls!"

Amis declined to play along, writing, "Not everyone wants to fuck young girls. One cannot hide behind a false universality: one cannot seek safety in numbers."

Modern day anti-feminists no doubt would accuse Amis of "virtue-signaling," rather than accept that it might just be possible that Amis really found the idea of raping young womento be unacceptable. It is the nature of the right-wing troll of the 21st century to scoff at the idea that anyone actually cares about all manner of immoral behavior, from sexual abuse to racism. Outrage at victimization, in the eyes of the alt-right crowd, isnever more than a pose struck for financial, social or political gain.

It is worth noting here too that while Cernovich often claims to be an opponent of "false accusations", he himself is a false accuser. Cernovich, who has nearly 360,000 Twitter followers, was a major proponent of the clearly false Pizzagate conspiracy theory,which suggested that a sex trafficking ring was being run out of a Washington pizzeria, and that Hillary Clinton and other prominent Democrats were somehow involved.

Who knows whether Cernovich actually believes his ownnonsense. Ultimately, it's irrelevant. #Pizzagate is just one small part of the larger alt-right project to reframing sexual abuse allegations strictly in terms of political point-scoring. How "true" or "serious" an allegation is, in this view, is entirely determined by whether you support or oppose the accused person.

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Julian Assange and #MeToo: Skeevy guys strike back - Salon.com

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