Ecuadors president calls Julian Assange more than a …

Ben Franklin once saidthat house guests, like fish, start to smell after three days.

Which may explain the frustration of Ecuador's President Lenn Moreno.

Moreno's country has reluctantly hosted Julian Assange in its embassy in London since June 2012, when he showed up to claim political asylum.

At that time, the WikiLeaks founder was wanted in Sweden on sexual assault charges.Those have since been dropped. But in seeking asylum, Assange breached bail. So if he leaves the embassy,U.K. officials say he'll be arrested for failing to show up to court in 2012.

And Assange has another fear, too that if he leaves, he'll be extradited to the United States and imprisoned for leaking classified information. In 2010, WikiLeaks published hundreds of diplomatic cables (including many classified memos) sent out by Foreign Service officers.

All of which puts Moreno in a difficult spot.

[Ecuador grants citizenship to Julian Assange in bid to end London embassy standoff]

Assange's asylum was granted by Moreno's predecessor, Rafael Correa. Moreno has said he will continue to protect Assange, but he's eager to get him out of the embassy. In December, Ecuador granted Assange citizenship, paving the way for officials to ask the United Kingdom to grant him diplomatic immunity. They declined, saying that Assange should leave and face justice.

On Sunday, Moreno vented about the situation in a television interview. He said that Assange had created more than a nuisance for his government. He also described him as an inherited problem and said his government was seeking help from important people to solve the problem.

Moreno has also urged Assange, he said, not to interfere with Ecuadoran politics or that of nations that are our friends. In the past, Assange had tweeted support for the Catalan independence campaign. He's also met at least once with Nigel Farage, the architect of the Brexit campaign.

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Ecuadors president calls Julian Assange more than a ...

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