Assanges Mother Claims DNC Staffer Leaked Data To Wikileaks …

The internet is buzzing with theories after Wikileaks Founder Julian Assanges mother, Christine Assange, tweeted and then deleted what many believe to be a suggestion that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich leaked docs proving corruption.

In response to the question why did Julian publish damning docs against Hillary at such a crucial time which gave Humpty Dumpty Trump the upper hand? Christine Assange replied Its the duty of media to inform citizens about corruption, adding a #DNC #Bernie supporter disgruntled with rigging leaked docs proving corruption.

What should Wikileaks should have done? Hold on to them till after the election to advantage #Hillary? she continued, adding You are shooting the messenger!

Many have pointed out that Mrs. Assanges the description fits that of Seth Rich, a Bernie Sanders supporter and DNC IT staffer who was slain on his way home from a local bar on July 10, 2016, five days after a forensics analysis indicated that the DNC emails were copied locally which was the same day Romanian hacker Guccifer 2.0 claims to have haced the DNC, per the Washington Post.

12 days after Richs murder, on July 22, 2016, WikiLeaks released thousands of emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee revealing that Bernie Sanders campaign was undermined when the DNC and the Clinton campaign colluded to share questions before a debate.

Of note, cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike reported on June 14, 2016 that Russia had infiltrated the DNC, after the DNC reported a suspected breach in April of that year. The DNC has received criticism for not allowing the FBI to analyze their servers for hacking, relying only on the Crowdstrike analysis performed by anti-Putin Russian expat a senior fellow on the very anti-Russia Atlantic Council.

Christine Assanges supposed admission caused many on Twitter to note that her son, Julian Assange, heavily implied that Rich was the leaker in an August, 2016 interview on Dutch television when he brought up Assange in the context of WikiLeaks whistleblowers, and then nodded his head when asked directly if Rich was a source.

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Assanges Mother Claims DNC Staffer Leaked Data To Wikileaks ...

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