Assange reveals extradition fears

Julian Assange believes there is a "significant risk" of being extradited to the United States if he leaves the Ecuador embassy in London.

Speaking inside the embassy on Thursday on the second anniversary of his dramatic arrival, the WikiLeaks founder made it clear he will remain inside the building until the impasse over his future is broken.

He is wanted for questioning in Sweden over sex allegations by two women but fears being sent to the US if he leaves London.

He told a handful of journalists that threats had been made against his children and his mother since he has been living in the embassy.


A group of supporters held a vigil outside the embassy to mark the anniversary.

Mr Assange claimed the bill for mounting a round the clock police guard was STG6.5 million ($A11.9 million).

Assange said the work of WikiLeaks was continuing, even though he can not leave the building, adding that money was still being donated to the whistleblowing publisher despite a banking blockade.

He estimated that the ban on collecting money, imposed by leading credit card companies, had cost WikiLeaks tens of millions of pounds.

He spoke by videolink to Ecuador's foreign minister Ricardo Patino in Quito, who assured him that Ecuador would continue to "protect" him after it granted Assange political asylum.

Assange reveals extradition fears

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