WikiLeaks: US Intel Report on Russia Hacking ‘Has Poor …


03:58 07.01.2017Get short URL

The US intelligence community report alleging that Russian hackers interfered in the 2016 presidential election lacks evidence and quality sources, WikiLeaks said in a statement.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) A public version ofthe comprehensive intelligence report assessing Russian activities and intentions inthe 2016 US presidential elections was released onFriday.

The released report has poor sourcing and no evidence, WikiLeaks stated ina Twitter post onFriday.

Earlier onFriday, the US Intelligence Community released a public version ofthe comprehensive intelligence report assessing Russian activities and intentions related tothe 2016 US presidential election.

The whistleblower organization pointed outhow mainstream American media outlets have even slammed the report forits lack ofsubstance.

The New York Times said inan article onFriday afterthe report was released that, "the declassified report contained no information abouthow the agencies had collected their data or had come totheir conclusions."

Russia has repeatedly denied the US allegations calling them absurd and characterizing them asan attempt todivert public opinion fromrevelations ofcorruption aswell asother pressing domestic issues.

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