WikiLeaks now has own search engine

Followers of WikiLeaks can now expect an easier time searching for leaked cables and other sensitive documents after the whistleblower site activated its own search engine.

A report on The Next Web said the WikiLeaks search engine provides visitors with much-needed help in poring through documents posted there.

"Just like Google, you can also refine the nature of your search for more accurate and focused results. Filters allow you to request that Wikileaks ignore documents with certain words, or only if your search terms appear within the body of the page," it said.

The search engine also has advanced options, including checkboxes that let visitors find files from a specific WikiLeaks release.

The Next Web pointed out WikiLeaks, while informative to many, was a pain to navigate for people searching for particular documents.

But it said that with the search engine, many newcomers can "leverage and learn from the mass of information that WikiLeaks now offers on the Web." VC, GMA News

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WikiLeaks now has own search engine

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