WikiLeaks Threatens To Reveal Information That Glenn Greenwald Says Could Lead To ‘Deaths’

May 19, 2014, 8:23 PM 68,982

REUTERS/Anthony Devlin

The @WikiLeaks Twitter handle is widely considered to be run by its founder, Julian Assange.

America's National SecurityAgency (NSA) can "vacuum up and store the actual content of every conversation" in the Bahamas and an unnamed country, the new publicationThe Intercept reportedMonday,based on documents leaked by Edward Snowden.

Intercept editor Glenn Greenwald who wrote about documents leaked by Snowden when he was a columnist at The Guardian said the publicationdidn't reveal the country because it was "very convinced" that doing so would lead to "deaths."

The Intercept

This graphic shows the countries targeted in the program detailed by The Intercept.

After a heated discussion among WikiLeaks, Greenwald, Intercept editor in chief John Cook, and American WikiLeaks hacker turned Der Spiegal contributor Jacob Appelbaum, WikiLeaks tweeted that it would reveal the name of the second country being spied on by the NSA.

That threat implies that WikiLeaks knows the other country which would be possible only if the rogue publishing organizationdeduced it from the redaction or has access to the Snowden documents.

The most plausible way for WikiLeaks to have access to a Snowden cache is if Appelbaum, who led the reporting on several Der Spiegel articles based on NSA documents (which may or may not be from Snowden), shared information with his friend and WikiLeaks editor in chief Julian Assange. Applebaum tweeted thatThe Intercept's redaction was "a mistake."

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WikiLeaks Threatens To Reveal Information That Glenn Greenwald Says Could Lead To 'Deaths'

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