WikiLeaks says Subramanian Swamy passed on Indira Gandhi’s election strategy and health details to the US

In a recent revelation, WikiLeaks has released cables containing information about how the United States managed to scoop details about late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's election strategies and health details during the Emergency in 1977 from Subramanian Swamy, asenior BJP leader and a bitter critic of the Gandhi family.

The post also gives details about how Swamy acted as the Indian source of information for US officials.

The report states that Indira Gandhi was 'indisposed' and wanted to set March as the election date to square things in her favour in light of her alleged bad health (according to the report, she was suffering from terminal cancer).

dna tried to reach out to Swamy, both via calls and text messages. But he had not responded at the time of filing this report.

National spokesperson for the Congress, Sanjay Jha said, "This report by WikiLeaks shows that there were dangerous elements in Indian politics which were not in favour of national interest."

Below is the full text of WikiLeaks report:

Several reports suggesting the prime minister may be in ill health have come to the department's attention in recent days. It has been reported Jagjivan Ram wished her speedy recovery in his letter of resignation. An AFP report from Delhi February 2 cites an informed Indian source to effect she is in poor health. However those close to her are also reported by AFP as explaining that she is slightly indisposed. A further report from Delhi indicates she looked tired and drawn in responding to Jagjivan Ram's announcement. Subramanian Swamy suggested to department officer ten days ago that he heard Mrs. Gandhi was prompted to set the March election date because she wanted to square things away in view of her failing health. Newsweek has a story she has terminal cancer and the surprise election call was a way to assure the quick succession of Sanjay in the next 60-90 days.

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WikiLeaks says Subramanian Swamy passed on Indira Gandhi's election strategy and health details to the US

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