WATCH: CN Live! Book Launch and Interview With Andrew Fowler, Author of Updated Assange Biography – Consortium News

July 7, 2020

Watch the launch of an updated bio of Julian Assange, followed by an interview with the author on CN Live!

Top investigative reporter and TV correspondent Andrew Fowler on Wednesday launched his updated biography of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, The Most Dangerous Man in the World: Julian Assange and WikiLeaks Fight for Freedom (Melbourne University Press).

In a time of pandemic, Fowler virtually launched the book online in conversation with Mary Kostakidis, a veteran Australian news presenter, at Gleebooks inSydney, Australia.

Immediately following the event, Fowler joined CN Live! for a Season 2, Episode 12 live interview. If you missed it, you can watch the replay of the bookshop event followed by CN Live! with your hosts Elizabeth Vos and Joe Lauria. First is the enhanced audio (by our producer Cathy Vogan) of Mary Kostakidis interviewing Andrew Fowler at Gleebooks, Sydney, followed immediately by the CN Live! interview with the author.

Tags: Andrew Fowler Cathy Vogan Elizabeth Vos Joe Lauria Julian Assange Mary Kostakidis

See the original post here:
WATCH: CN Live! Book Launch and Interview With Andrew Fowler, Author of Updated Assange Biography - Consortium News

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