Trump campaign saw Roger Stone as its ‘access point’ to WikiLeaks, Steve Bannon testifies – USA TODAY

There's much more to Roger Stone than his connection to President Donald Trump. USA TODAY

WASHINGTON President Donald Trump's campaign saw Roger Stone as an informal channel to WikiLeaks during the 2016 presidential race, when the anti-secrecy group published troves of damaging emails about rival Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, this according to Steve Bannon.

Bannon, the Trump campaign's chief executive at the time, testified Friday that he perceived Stone to be the "access point" to WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange. He said that was based on Stone's claimsthat he had connections to Assange and that he had advanceknowledge that WikiLeaks possessed stolen emails that would hurt Clinton and help Trump.

"Did he ever brag to you about his relationship with Assange?" Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Marando asked Bannon.

"I wouldnt call it bragging. Maybe boasting," Bannon, former executive chairman of the conservative website Breitbart News, said.

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Stone's alleged back-channel efforts with WikiLeaks are at the center of his criminal trial, which began earlier this week. The longtime GOP operative and Trump ally isaccused of lying to the House Intelligence Committeein 2017 about hisefforts to learn of WikiLeaks' plans to release DNC emails.

Stone isalso accused of lying to the committee about his communications with the Trump campaign about WikiLeaks, andtrying to force a witness to lie. Defense attorneys say Stone did not intentionally mislead the committee.

The committee, at the time, was investigating Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible ties to the Trump campaign. Special counsel Robert Mueller's separate Russia investigation found thatRussian intelligence stole damaging emails from the DNC and Clinton's campaign chairman, and passed them to WikiLeaks.

Stone is among the most prominent Trump allies to be indicted as a result of Mueller's investigation.Hefaces seven charges: one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, five counts of false statements and one count of witness tampering.

The trial comes amid a fast-movingimpeachment inquirythat has yielded damning testimony about the Trump administration's efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, the president's potential 2020 Democratic rival.

Former White House strategist Steve Bannon addresses members of the far right National Front party in the northern French city of Lille.(Photo: AP)

Bannon, who reiteratedthat he was not testifying willingly, is one of four witnesses who testified on behalf of the government during the first week of Stone's trial.

At the center of the charges against Stone is his interactionwith a man whom he claimed was his link to Assange.

Prosecutors allege that Stone falsely told Congressthat Randy Credico, a comedian and radio host who had interviewed Assange on his show, was his source of information about WikiLeaks in the summer of 2016, when the group first published stolen DNC emails.Prosecutors also allege that Stone tried to force Credico to either lie to Congress or not testify by asserting his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

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But Credico, who was the government's key witness,testified that he never hadback-channel communicationswith WikiLeaks. He also saidhe did not have interactions with Assange until August 2016, when the WikiLeaks founder wasa guest on his radio show. Even during that interview, Credico said, he never gained advanceknowledge about WikiLeaks' plans to release DNC emails.

"I never asked him about his business," Credico testified. "Julian Assange is not going to tell me about future releases I wasnt ever going to ask him that."

Credico and Stone met in 2002. Based on Credico's testimony, therelationship seemed tumultuous one that, at least in recent years, was punctuated with squabbles and hostile, expletive-laden emails and text messages many of which were displayed to jurors.

"You are a rat. A stoolie," says an April 2018 email from Stonein which he threatened to take Credico's dog from him. The same day, he allegedly wrote, "I am so ready. Let's get it on.Prepare to die [expletive]."

Defense attorneys did not dispute that Credico was never an intermediary to WikiLeaks, though they sought to discredit Credico.

Who is Roger Stone?Longtime Republican operative worked on campaigns from Richard Nixon to Donald Trump

"You are not an intermediary even though you led Stone to believe that you were one," defense attorney Robert Buschel said.

"I disagree," Credico responded.

Credico also acknowledged having lied to Stone.

"There were exaggerations. There were lies. There were ripoffs, yes," he said.

At times, Credico said, heblustered about his connections to Assange in order to one-up Stone. Other times,he did soto get Stone off his back because he was "pounding" him with questions about WikiLeaks, Credico said.

The cross-examination immediately became hostile, with a visibly frustrated Credico interjecting, offering meanderinganswers, and arguing with the defense attorney. Toward the end of his testimony, Credico maintained that Stone forced him into the situation he is in now.

"I didnt ask for this. Im the bystander. Hes driving the car. I got hit on the side of the road," Credico said.

Roger Stone leaves the federal court Friday, Feb. 1, 2019 in Washington. Stone appeared for a status conference just three days after he pleaded not guilty to felony charges of witness tampering, obstruction and false statements.(Photo: Andrew Harnik, AP)

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Trump campaign saw Roger Stone as its 'access point' to WikiLeaks, Steve Bannon testifies - USA TODAY

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