This Year, the Stuttgart Peace Prize is Awarded to Julian Assange. – PRESSENZA International News Agency

Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks imprisoned in London for a year, received the Stuttgart Peace Prize 2020. The prize is awarded by Die Anstifter and aims to promote the right to unconditional freedom of information and of the press.

Annette Ohme-Reinicke, president of Die Anstifter, said the crackdown on Assange was also against comprehensive political information for all.

Heike Hnsel, Member of Parliament and Deputy Chair of the Die Linke parliamentary group, said: I am very happy with this award given to Julian Assange, who has suffered political persecution from the United States for years due to his journalistic work and who is now in danger of extradition to the United States. This award recognizes investigative journalism and is a strong message in defense of press freedom. Recognizing the peaceful and political dimension of the work of the founder of Wikileaks is for him a very important support. As British justice treats Julian Assange as a dangerous criminal and keeps him in the most secure prisons, Assange is awarded this tribute for the US war crimes revelations in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am waiting for the German government and the EU to stop being blind and finally offer political asylum to Julian Assange.

Assange, who has been in Belmarsh High Security Prison in London for a year, awaits a hearing to decide on his possible extradition to the United States where he is accused of espionage. His detention was denounced as torture.

The Peace Prize will be awarded in December in Stuttgart. With this award, Die Anstifter pays tribute to people who fight for peace, justice and solidarity. The prize has been awarded annually since 2003, some of the previous winners are: Sea Watch, Ashley Erdogan, Emma Gonzalez, Jrgen Greslin, Edward Snowden, etc.

See as well :

If Julian Assange is extradited, it is the end of the rule of law in the West Eva Joly (Interview)

Juan Branco: The Greek people should put pressure on Julian Assange for asylum (in Greek)

John Shipton in Berlin: father and ambassador of Julian Assange

Read more:
This Year, the Stuttgart Peace Prize is Awarded to Julian Assange. - PRESSENZA International News Agency

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