Polls say US Presidents chances of re-election bleak and his nieces book may have driven the last nail – National Herald

The Robert Mueller investigation into alleged Russian interference in favour of Trump in the contest four years ago flattered to deceive. Now, an attorney who played a leading role in the inquiry, Andrew Weissmann, is about to release a book on the examination of links between Trump and Moscow. This announcement coincided with the president commuting a prison sentence passed on his aide and ally, Roger Stone, emanating from Muellers efforts.

Stone, suspected of being the conduit between Russian intelligence, Wikileaks and Trump, was convicted for lying to Congress, obstructing justice and intimidating witnesses. He was condemned to 40 months in prison. Senator Mitt Romney, a former presidential nominee of Trumps Republican party, termed the presidential pardon as unprecedented, historic corruption.

There can admittedly be many a slip between the cup and the lip. But with three and a half months to go to polling day, the US presidency appears to be all but in the briefcase for Biden. So, what could possibly go wrong between now and D-Day?

A recent 4-part television documentary on Hillary Clinton on Britains Channel Four depicted how a certain triumph slipped out of her grasp. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) decided to review emails exchanged outside a secure server by Clinton when she was secretary of state in 2008-12. The surmise is not established beyond doubt - Edward Snowden, a US National Security Agency insider turned whistle-blower now enjoying Russian protection, hacked into Clintons account and handed the communications to WikiLeaks. Clinton rued: If not for the dramatic intervention of the FBI director in the final days, we would have won the White House.

The FBI eventually concluded Clinton hadnt breached security. But the reopening of the case at a critical stage of the campaign decimated her. It irrefutably refuelled Trumps Crooked Hillary slogan.

The animosity between Russian president Vladimir Putin and Clinton was indeed personal. Yet, its mind-boggling Russia could play game-changer in a US presidential election. Clinton told USA Today: There certainly was communication and there certainly was an understanding of some sort (between Trumps team and the Russians).

It is incredible Trump survives in office. At the very least, his impeachment by the House of Representatives notwithstanding the US senate saving him from eviction - ought to have made him unelectable. But he has ridden the wave; and is snooping for skeletons in Bidens cupboard. He shockingly but unsuccessfully seemed to seek Ukraines cooperation to defame Biden and his son. A former staffer accused Biden of sexual assault in 1993. But three of the five people she named as knowing about it, told NBC Nwews they did not recall any such conversation. Trumps last resort could be Putin. But even for the erstwhile KGB operative it could be a bridge too

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Polls say US Presidents chances of re-election bleak and his nieces book may have driven the last nail - National Herald

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