Julian Assange in ‘a lot of pain’ and losing weight in Belmarsh, partner says – Telegraph.co.uk

Ms Morris said her partner is still suffering from a frozen shoulder, and had recently sprained his ankle. "He is in a lot of pain," she added.

His supporters claim that he is confined to his cell for 23 hours a day and they are worried for his physical and mental health. He is said to suffer from a chronic lung condition which makes him particularly vulnerable to coronavirus.

The extradition hearing is due to start at the Old Bailey on September 7 and could last three or four weeks.

He is facing 17 charges under the Espionage Act and one of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion in the US.

The charges relate to 700,000 classified documents former US intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning handed to Wikileaks in 2010 which officials in Washington claim endangered the lives of American agents who were working in the field.

Ms Moris, a South African-born lawyer who was working on his case when the couple began their relationship, said that he is facing a prison sentence of 175 years if he is sent to the US and found guilty.

She has launched a crowdfunding appeal to try to raise 600,000 towards the cost of legal fight.

She has described it as a battle of David v Goliath with unthinkable ramifications. Around 47,000 has been raised so far.

Ms Moris expressed concern about Covid-related health measures as Assange is transported to and from the court every day.

She added that he has not had a face-to-face meeting with his legal team since lockdown began in March and only has limited access to the huge amount of paperwork generated by the case.

Assange has been held at Belmarsh since April last year after the Ecuadorians lost patience with their guest and invited officers from Scotland Yard into the embassy to arrest him.

Read more here:

Julian Assange in 'a lot of pain' and losing weight in Belmarsh, partner says - Telegraph.co.uk

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