Julian Assange calls on U.S. to drop WikiLeaks investigation

LONDON, June 19 (UPI) --WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange called on the U.S. to end its investigation into his organization as he marks two years avoiding extradition.

"I call on [U.S. Attorney General] Eric Holder today to immediately drop the ongoing national security investigation against WikiLeaks or resign," he said on a conference call with reporters.

Assange also took a shot at President Obama for targeting individuals with the U.S. drone program.

"It must be at odds with a former professor of constitutional law to have a legacy that not only involves the construction of extrajudicial kill lists of individuals, including American citizens," he said.

As promised by Assange, WikiLeaks released the secret draft of the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) Financial Services Annex, which covers 50 countries and 68.2 percent of world trade in services.

In addition to slamming proponents of the agreement for encouraging deregulation after the financial crisis, WikiLeaks noted that "the leaked draft also shows that the U.S. is particularly keen on boosting cross-border data flow, which would allow uninhibited exchange of personal and financial data."

London Metropolitan police officers have stood outside the embassy every day for two years, costing a reported 6 million pounds ($10.2 million).

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa said this week that the WikiLeaks founder can stay "as long as he needs."

See the article here:
Julian Assange calls on U.S. to drop WikiLeaks investigation

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