German town won’t let parents name their child ‘WikiLeaks’

PASSAU, Germany, April 4 (UPI) -- A German town has ruled that a couple cannot name their newborn after Julian Assanges online baby.

An eight-month resident of Passau tried to name his baby Wikileaks, after the popular whistle-blowing website, but he was turned down.

Officials in the city failed to approve the babys name when journalist Hajar Hamalaw tried to slip it past them.

"We were very disappointed after the rejection. Hundreds of people across the globe were allowed to use the name of Barack Obama's dog for their child, but I can't use WikiLeaks?" Hamalaw told NBC News.

The 28-year-old called his son Dako on the birth certificate instead.

"This is not only a simple name for me -- it has a big meaning. WikiLeaks has changed the world," Hamalaw said. "For my family, the name is a synonym with transparent truth. My two-year-old daughter is called 'Diya,' which translates to 'Light of Truth.'"

In the past, names like McDonald, Woodstock and Peppermint have been rejected because German parents are banned from naming their children after towns or brands.

In an initial information session, we told the family that we would have to reject the name based on similar assessments in recent court rulings, said Passau Town Hall spokeswoman Karin Schmeller.

[NBC News] [The Local]

German town won't let parents name their child 'WikiLeaks'

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