NSA spying: Rep. Justin Amash renews effort to gut controversial surveillance tactics

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Rep. Justin Amash's latest bid to undermine the government's domestic spying programs became apparent this week after warning to amend the annual defense authorization bill.

Amash, R-Cascade Township, filed two amendments Monday to the National Defense Authorization Act, intended to starve the National Security Agency's funding to carry out controversial domestic surveillance practices. The amendments state no amount of funding allocated for the act may be used to carry out a warrantless, secret court order involving any record.

More: Amash's amendment one and amendment two (PDF files)

The amendments stop short of halting the NSA's activities completely. Instead, if a court finds records are needed, a warrant must be issued on the suspicion of terrorist activities. Phone call details are limited to no more than 180 days, and records must be destroyed if they are not related to such threats.

Amash's latest move is "substantially the same" as the so-called Amash Amendment narrowly defeated by the House last July, spokesman Will Adams said in an email. Lawmakers voted that proposal down, 217-205, after contentious debate that was closely watched as a barometer of legislative tolerance for NSA spying.

The amendments are positioned to fire up debate on the NSA as a more comprehensive bill garners support. Titled the "USA Freedom Act," the standalone legislation aims to curb the agency's ability to conduct communication sweeps and close a "back door" to warrantless information already collected by requiring a court order.

"We are offering amendments to the defense authorization bill to shut down the NSA's bulk collection of Americans' private information," Adams said. "We prefer to move comprehensive legislation like the USA Freedom Act, but if that legislation isn't considered by the House this week, we'll be ready with alternatives to force the debate."

The Hill reported Amash's amendments, in addition to other NSA-related items, will be examined Tuesday afternoon as NDAA is discussed.

Andrew Krietz covers breaking and general police/fire news for MLive | The Grand Rapids Press. Email him at akrietz@mlive.com or follow him on Twitter.

See more here:
NSA spying: Rep. Justin Amash renews effort to gut controversial surveillance tactics

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