NSA surveillance revelations sour German perception of Obama

JUDY WOODRUFF: As Secretary of State John Kerry prepares for his visit to Germany tomorrow, chief foreign affairs correspondent Margaret Warner takes another look at the countrys outrage over U.S. surveillance programs.

Tonight, she talks to a rising star in German politics, who tells her that many in his country are disappointed with the American president, who at one time spurred so much hope.

MARGARET WARNER: German Chancellor Angela Merkel yesterday again criticized Washington for its electronic surveillance of German citizens, including herself.

CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKEL, Germany (through translator): A program where everything that is technically possible has been done, it harms trust. In the end, there will be less, not more security.

MARGARET WARNER: Her transatlantic coordinator is 34-year-old parliamentarian Philipp Missfelder. Though their center-right party has long stood by the U.S./German alliance, hes been a blunt critic of NSA surveillance and is now the point man dealing with Washington on tough issues facing the two allies.

We spoke this morning in the parliamentary office building in Berlin.

Philipp Missfelder, thank you for having us. Congratulations on your new job.

PHILIPP MISSFELDER, German Coordinator for Transatlantic Cooperation: Thank you very much.

MARGARET WARNER: In her speech yesterday, Chancellor Merkel said, not only was NSA spying in Germany undermining trust between our countries, but that would actually undermine security. Does that undermine the kind of cooperation against global threats, say, terrorism? Is Germany cooperating less with the United States now as a result of this?

PHILIPP MISSFELDER: No, of course not.

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NSA surveillance revelations sour German perception of Obama

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